Page 12 of Priceless Kiss

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Of course it does. Now, I’m not just Nero’s stolen plaything, but the prize even his rival hasn’t enjoyed yet.

“Interesting,” is all he says, and then changes the subject. “Ah, the next course. Jacques makes an incredible lobster; you have to taste it to believe.”

I exhale, relieved.

“What about you?” I ask, when we’re alone again. “What’s your story?”

I fix him with a curious smile, and this time, I’m not faking. I want to know everything I can about this man. And I may not know much about guys, but I do know they love talking about themselves, and will go on and on at the smallest prompt.

But not Sebastian. He gives a small shrug. “Nothing to tell.”

“Oh, come on,” I prompt him. “You don’t get to have a place like this, or play ten-million-dollar poker hands, without an interesting journey. You have some kind of financial company, right?”

He nods. “Wolfe Capital. A hedge fund.”

“And that means…?” I give a little giggle.

“We buy out companies. Restructure, reinvest. Sell for a profit,” Sebastian replies evenly.

I remember that this is how his rivalry with Nero started. Sebastian tried to launch a hostile takeover of Sterling Cross, a luxury jewelry company Nero was involved in. Nero made him back off, and I’m guessing it was not through normal legal channels. Sebastian has been trying to get back at him ever since, and getting Miles caught up in his poker game was part of it.

We’re all just pawns to him.

“I guess you’re pretty good at it then, judging by all of this.” I manage to coo, swallowing back my resentment with another swig of champagne.

“I like to win.” Sebastian says, giving me a look. “At any cost.”

“I kind of guessed. You know, from the poker game,” I add.

“It’s a fun pastime.” Sebastian sits back, relaxing. “Helps me blow off steam.”

“I don’t know, it seems kind of stressful to me.” I give another self-conscious giggle. “I mean, how can you relax with so much on the line?”

“I didn’t say anything about relaxing,” Sebastian replies, looking amused. “I enjoy the high stakes, taking a risk.”

“And making unexpected new acquaintances,” I quip.

He smiles. “That too.”

He’s good at ducking questions, but that’s OK. I have time. A whole month, if he really meant what he told Nero at the game.

“So did you always want to start your own company?” I ask.

Sebastian flinches. It’s the smallest movement, a tightening of his jaw, but I see it.

I see everything.

“My father started Wolfe Capital,” he replies shortly. “He built it from nothing.”

I knew that, but I didn’t know what his reaction would be.


“Oh, that must have been nice.” I beam. “A family business. Are you two close?”

“We were.” Another clipped answer. “He died, when I was seventeen.”

“I’m so sorry!” I exclaim, pressing a hand to my chest. “That must have been awful. I miss my papa too,” I add. “Every day.”
