Page 76 of Priceless Kiss

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Now, I need to move into the attack. Before he shows me a side of myself that I can’t take back.

And I know exactly where to start: the mysterious address in Sussex, where Sebastian has stashed away some kind of secret.

It’s time to bring those dark secrets into the light.

First thing in the morning,I’m out the door, with a breezy mention of a luxurious spa day. Sebastian is already gone, thankfully, so I just chatter to Leon and the driver, about the miraculous mud wraps and divine pedicures I have lined up. I even go inside the health club when the driver drops me off, just to sell the story, before waiting ten minutes, and sneaking out a side entrance.

If Sebastian knew where I was going today, he’d probably chain me up in the wine cellar. But knowing somebody is watching me, waiting to make their move…

I need to make mine first.

I take a taxi to Victoria Station. At the library, I already figured out the route closest to the address, so it’s pretty straightforward to buy a ticket from the machine—plus another burner phone from a news kiosk. I find the right platform and get settled on the train. At this time of day, the carriages are quiet, and I find an empty spot with nobody around. As the train pulls away, winding slowly through South London, I begin to set up the phone.

I call Nero, knowing it’s been a while since I checked in. His wife, Lily, answers on the first ring.

“It’s me,” I say, and I can hear the relief in her voice when she replies.

“Thank God. We’ve been so worried.”

“I’m fine,” I lie, not wanting to worry her. “Remember, you’re the society princess, I’m the badass and indestructible one.”

She snorts with laughter. Lily is anything but a princess, she’s the only woman I know who could keep Nero in line, for starters. “Is it terrible, playing along with Sebastian?” she asks, sounding concerned. “I can’t imagine, having to smile at that man. To kiss him, and… you know.” she tactfully trails off.

I feel a rush of guilt. Here Lily is, thinking I’m in hell, when every night, I come screaming Sebastian’s name.

“I’ll be glad when it’s over,” I tell her honestly. I hear Nero’s voice in the background, and then he takes the phone.

“What do you need?”

I smile. Nero knows this would never just be a social call.

“The hacker you used, to set up my fake identity,” I say, glancing around to make sure nobody is close enough to overhear. “Are they good?”

“The best,” Nero replies confidently.

“So, would they be able to move money between accounts, out of Wolfe Capital?” I ask.

“Shouldn’t be a problem. But you should know, a company like that will flag the transactions, they keep shit locked up tight over there. Otherwise, I would have drained those fuckers dry a long time ago,” Nero adds darkly.

“It’s OK,” I reassure him. “I want the transactions to be found. It should look like embezzlement, that they’ve been siphoning off funds for a while.”

Nero whistles. “Who got on your bad side?”

“Her name’s Rebecca Hargreaves, she’s a senior VP over there. Have your hacker make it look good, only take from accounts she would have a chance of accessing.”

“Consider it done,” Nero replies. “Does this mean you’re any closer to coming home?”

Home. It sounds like a foreign word to me now.

“Not until Wolfe is buried,” I reply. “Talk soon.”

I hang up before he can say another word. Setting up Becca without any proof that she’s a threat to me might be extreme, but I can’t risk her blowing my cover and getting in my way.

I feel a twinge of guilt but push it aside.You need to be heartless, remember?And Becca is no innocent, caught in the crossfire. She’s a grown woman who’s chosen her path in life and being the right-hand woman to Sebastian Wolfe for the past decade means she’s got plenty of blood on her hands.

She suspects me of having a secret agenda, she’s made that clear. That makes her a threat. And if she really is the one who sent that photo to threaten me?

Either way, my problem will soon be solved.
