Page 58 of Unforgivable Sins

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She moves her hands slowly, treating me as if I’m some wild animal and she’s right to do so. Because I feel fucking feral. She gently lays her palms on my chest, sending my heart racing like a winning thoroughbred at theKentucky Derby. My instinct is to grab her wrist and wrench her hands away from me but, somehow, I manage to control the urge. Iwanther to touch me.

My body is rigid and tense. It feels like the tiny tendons are the only thing holding my body together and they’re bound snap from the tension any damn second. She’s been closer to me than this but always on my terms. Always when I’m in control. And I’m not in fucking control.

Her sparkling green eyes are locked on mine, and they’re filled with so much light. She shines so fucking brightly I don’t know how anyone can’t see it and I can’t fathom why anyone would want to dim it.

“I know you feel the same pull I do,” she says quietly, as her hands slide up my chest, behind my neck, and she sinks her fingers into my hair the same way she did the first night we slept together.

I close my eyes, reveling in the feeling of her hands on me and I can’t help the growl that rumbles through my chest. I don’t know if I’m angry that I’m allowing her to touch me or if I’m angry at how good it feels and how fucking stubborn I’ve been by trying to fight it.

When I open my eyes, her face is inches away from me. I see the need in her eyes. I see her desire and it burns so fiercely I swear I can feel it heating my skin. She’s a beautiful, bright, hot flame burning for ME.

My eyes drop to her lips, so achingly close, and I’m so hungry for her. I want to close the distance between us, but I can’t move. I’m fucking trembling with the effort not to move a single fucking muscle. Because I don’t trust myself not to ruin this moment. I don’t trust myself not to turn the tables around and fall back into my comfortable pattern. Which is to dominate her and deny her what she’s asking for. I sit as still as a fucking statue, my heart pounding frantically inside of my chest, and my blood practically boiling in my veins.

She leans in further. Her next words are warm breath on my lips. “Let me in, Sinn.”

Her command is barely more than a whisper, and her kiss is barely a brush of her lips against mine, but she may as well have shouted her demand and attacked my walls with a battering ram. And then her lips press more firmly on mine and I’m rocked to my core. I feel something inside of me snap, something deep inside of me awakening and flooding through my veins. It feels like I’m sinking and soaring at the same time, and I have no idea which way is up or down. I don’t know whether I should be elated or fucking terrified.

I have no time to decide because she swipes her tongue along my bottom lip and I fucking break. I lose whatever feigned control I was attempting to cling to and I finally kiss her back. I do exactly what she asked for.

I let her in.

I open my mouth and her tongue dances inside, gliding against mine, and my entire body ignites. I groan at the sensation of her mouth on mine and my hands reach for her, bunching in her shirt as I bring her closer to me. She tastes exactly like I knew she would.

Like delicious, sweet…sin.

She’s intoxicating and addicting and fucking devastating, because I know I’ll never get enough of her, yet I have no choice but to let her go. She moans into my mouth and I’m pulled away from my depressing thoughts. Fuck me, it feels so damn good to kiss her. I pull her onto my lap as the kiss gets deeper, hungrier. Her hands are griping my hair tightly as she rocks her hips against the hard bulge in my pants.

My hands find her legs and slide up her thighs, under the shirt, and over her smooth, bare ass. She’s not wearing any underwear. Fuck. I grip her ass hard, moving her hips even harder against my throbbing cock. The image of her walking into the bar in those fucking jeans flashes across my mind. I never did get to act on my impulses that night and the desire is even more intense now.

I break the kiss as I yank the t-shirt over her head revealing her beautiful naked body, and before she can protest, I slide my arms under her legs, gripping the backs of her thighs, and yank her forward as I fall onto my back. She lets out a yip of surprise followed by a beautiful laugh that strikes deep in my chest and sends another wave of pleasure to my dick. I want everything from her. Everything her body has to offer me, every sound, every look, every touch, I want it. Ineedit.

She finally realizes she’s straddling my chest, dangerously close to my face, and I see the heat creep up her cheeks. “Sinn, what are doing?” She asks, already breathless and I haven’t even gotten started yet.

Her naked body is displayed above me, and I swear to God, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. “I’m deciding whether I’ll be punishing you or rewarding you. Have you touched yourself since I told you not to?”

She shakes her head rapidly. I scoot down, putting my face directly under her sex. My hands are wrapped around her thighs, holding her tightly so she can’t move.

“Don’t lie to me, Wendee.”

“I swear, I haven’t.”

“Have you not thought about me?” I kiss one thigh and then the other.

“You’re all I think about, and I’ve been dying to be with you again,” she breathes out, eyes glued to me and what I’m doing.

“You must be strung out. On edge. And desperate for a release.” I lick her thigh, dangerously close to her center. I’m having a hard time holding myself back and not diving into her, but I need some semblance of control.

Her body twitches in response. “Yes.”

“Yes, what, Wendee?”

“Please let me come, Sinn. Please.”

“Since you’ve been a good girl.” I pull on her thighs, bringing her down lower, and swipe my tongue up the center of her beautiful pussy. Her mouth drops open and she moans loudly after just that one pass. “Fucking hell, Wendee.” I close my eyes as I get the first taste of her and I know I’m fucked. “You’re already soaking for me, and I haven’t even made you come yet. Let’s see just how wet you can get.”

I stop holding back and I dive into her. My tongue slips between her lips easily, her juices already pooling out and coating my tongue. I eagerly lick it up and quickly move to her swollen ball of nerves. As soon as my tongue flicks over her sensitive clit, her body jerks and she gasps. I haven’t done this in centuries and I’m suddenly terrified I won’t be any good at it. And I want to be good at it, for her. I want to make her feel good in every way I can. I flatten my tongue against her clit and give her soft, gentle strokes. I move my tongue in a circular motion, slowly adding more and more pressure, listening to her as she tells me exactly when I get it right. Her head falls back and she lets out a deep guttural moan I’ve never heard from her before.

“Oh, that feels good,” she pants. “So…fucking…good.”
