Page 148 of Filthy Truth

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“Yeah, she never let nerves hold her back. I’d be impressed if I weren’t pissed at her myself.” He cut me a look I didn’t spot because I was watching Kat do some cartwheels next to a table loaded with—

Well, it was loaded with drinks before.

The table tipped as she kicked it with her toes. Somehow, she landed neatly on her feet, but that didn’t mean the room survived unscathed.

“They’re only cans. We learned at her first barbecue not to have glass bottles out when she’s around,” Maverick assured me as the women stopped haranguing Star and clucked around Kat, checking on her, while some other bikers, Sin being the only one I recognized, started gathering the cans and restocking them on the table they’d just laid out again.

“Bet you don’t miss her knocking everything over,” I joked.

He smirked his agreement. “Anyway, you don’t want to stick around with me. I’ll have to go in for a fucking nap soon.”

I frowned. “You’re feeling ill?”

“No. But sleep keeps the migraines at bay, and it makes me feel fucking ancient to say it but it’ll make tomorrow less miserable.”

“I’m okay with sticking around until you need to go in?” I asked hesitantly, knowing that Star had loved this man at one time and that she still cared for him as a friend.

“Yeah?” He shot me a sheepish grin. “I thought I’d give you an out. Alessa told me to play nice and I figured Star did the same thing…”

“Oh, she did,” I retorted, “but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot in common.”

Maverick shrugged. “Guess we do, at that.” He held out his can. When I stared at it, he made a show of tapping his against mine. “You can call me Maverick.”

“I’m Conor.”

“Pleased to meet you, Conor.”

“Pleased to meet you too, Maverick.”

He chuckled. “There, we appeased the women.”

“For the moment.”

“True dat.” He arched a brow at me. “Is what I’ve been hearing about you and the NSA real or bullshit?”

I pulled a face. “Why does she keep telling people about that?”

“It’s impressive. Very niche.”

“Niche isn’t good. I’d have preferred the fucking Feds. My da was close friends with the director.”

“That’s why it’s impressive. The NSA are a bunch of robots.”

Thinking about Riggs made me grimace. “I can’t argue with that.” I cleared my throat. “Star’s given me access to your worm.”

Maverick snorted. “She likes that bit of kit.”

“Can’t blame her. It’s fucking effective.”

His lips twitched. “Not totally useless.”

“Useless?” I choked. “It’s the most destructive malware I’ve come across in years!”

Maverick went inside after ninety or so minutes of me praising his beautiful piece of coding and sharing the various ways in which I’d used it.

Afterward, I was left hovering around the edges of Lily Lancaster’s living room. I didn’t mind, not when Kat was enjoying herself and Star was having fun too—arguing with Rex’s Old Lady Rachel about only the fuck knew what.

As I stood there, looking over the house that had been bought and paid for with Sparrow blood money and ancestral funds from Lily’s mother’s family who was an American blue blood, I had to chuckle to myself at how full circle things had become.

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