Page 221 of Filthy Truth

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“Damn, there are a lot of different products for this,” Declan muttered.

Eoghan picked up two boxes of tampons. “How do you know which ones to pick?”

“I don’t know. She just said tampons.”

“Inessa would have been more specific, so maybe Star doesn’t care?”

“When did she start?”

My lips twitched. “Yesterday. I came onto her and she told me to get friendly with my right hand again.”

Declan chuckled. “Wait a couple days. She’ll be horny as fuck.”

“Not every woman’s the same. Inessa would claw out my eyes if I tried to touch her.”

I studied him. “She suits you.”

His smile was smug. “I know.”

“I haven’t figured out which option Star is yet.” I rubbed my chin. “Don’t feel like getting my balls handed to me on a platter, though. I think I’ll wait for her to make the first move.”

“There won’t be any moves if you don’t buy her some of these.” Declan stared at the aisle. “Why do you think they have so many of these when they do the same thing?”

“I mean, different thicknesses, that makes sense,” I countered.

“Tampon saved my life once.” Declan and I shot Eoghan a look. “What?! It did. Tampons were used in ‘Nam first, ya know. Stopped me bleeding out in Venezuela.”

“Was it a super plus or just a plus that stopped the bleed though?” Declan retorted with a smirk.

Eoghan chuckled. “I don’t know. I just stuck it in and plugged it up.”

“That’s way too much like Carrie for my taste.”

With a snigger, Declan strolled down the aisle. “Organic! They have organic ones. What the hell’s organic about a tampon?”

“Maybe it doesn’t have plastic in?” I asked, snatching the box from his grasp. “I don’t think it’s good to put plastic up there, do you?”

“Cocks go in and babies go out so no.”

“Eloquent, Eoghan. Very eloquent.”

“True, ain’t it?”

Though I rolled my eyes, I grabbed one of the ultra, the super plus, the super, the regular, and the light—just to be on the safe side.

And if my sweetest sister-in-law could turn feral during her period, then who the hell knew what Star would become…

“That reminds me,” I muttered. “I need to buy hot chocolate.”



Kat: I made this group chat because it’s efficient :)

Conor: Efficient for whom?

Star: Her.

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