Page 264 of Filthy Truth

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I’d die one day.

That was the only certainty in my world—taxes sure as fuck weren’t.

She burrowed her face against my chest, and her fingers somehow found the tattoo on my arm where she traced the letters as she whispered, “I know you must think I’m crazy.”

“I mean, a little? But people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

That had her snickering.

She didn’t reply though, just stayed quiet as I stroked my hand over her hair.

This softer side I got to see was a privilege few were afforded, I knew. And the fact that she wanted so many people dead apart from me was, I figured, a compliment.

Out of nowhere, two Tasmanian devils raced into the room, bringing with them meows as Ren bounced onto the bed and used it as a trampoline for his ultimate port of call.

Groaning, she turned her face into my chest. “Is he sitting in the light fixture?”

“He is.” I peered at the menace who stared back at me unapologetically.

As for Stimpy, he settled against Star’s back and started purring.

“How is this our life?” she whispered, sounding as bewildered as I felt.

But my lips curved. “It’s good, though, isn’t it?”

“You can say that after… today?”

The fact that I was smiling said it all.

Nothing would ever be normal with Star.

Thank fuck for that.

“I can say that after today,” I confirmed softly. “Every part of you, from the soldier to the mother, is the love of my life, Star. I didn’t forget that today and I won’t ever forget that. Understood?”

She swallowed. “Understood.”

Which was when all hell broke loose as Ren decided he needed to break shit up a little.

And he divebombed onto me from the light fixture.

Straight on my junk.



Lodestar: Hey

Cruz: Hey. You okay? Need a body boiling?

Lodestar: Nah. Not this time. Though I appreciate your willingness to boil a body.

Cruz: Never work a day in your life if you love what you do.

Lodestar: I feel ya.

Cruz: So, no body. What’s up?

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