Page 49 of Filthy Truth

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“It’s not as if I could tell her that,” I grumbled.

Her lips twitched. “Are you embarrassed? You need to toughen up. She says worse stuff than that. She once asked me where Tiffany, Sin’s Old Lady, got her helium balloons from.”

I frowned. “She has big tits?”

“Nope, even better. She’s pretty high-pitched when she gets going…”

“And Kat thought she was—”

“Yup. I told her that they had a private stash and that she wasn’t to ask if she could have any of them.”

“How much do you bet she asked?”

She smirked. “I was there when she did. It was a proud, proud moment in my life.”

“I’m sure.” I snorted.

“Does that mean she made it back to the compound in West Orange safely?”

“It does.” Dislodging my glasses, I rubbed my eyes again. “She wants two cats.”

“Two?! How the hell did you manage to up the stakes when I was happy with zero?”

I glowered at her. “She said they were like her—they lost their mom and she wanted to be their Star!” Her expression turned pensive so I wafted a hand at her. “Why do you look constipated?”

“Because I’m calculating the odds of her trying to manipulate us or if that’s just a knee-jerk response after the other day and talking about family.”

“Okay. What are the odds?”

“I’m not sure.” She pulled a face. “We can’t have two cats. I can barely keep her alive.”

See, that was why I loved this woman—we were kindred spirits.

“Maybe it’ll be different if we work on that together.”

A frown settled in her eyes. “You say things like that and it gives me heartburn.”

My brows lifted. “I say nice things and it gives you acid reflux?”

She rubbed her chest. “Right here. I’m not used to this.” I watched as she staggered over to my desk and plunked her ass on the edge. “You need to only say things that you mean.”

“I do.”

“Kat’s special.”

“I know.”

“I don’t… You can’t…” She stopped rubbing. “Could you take off your glasses? They’re distracting.”

With an eyeroll, I dropped them on the desk and rocked back in my chair. “My lap’s more comfortable than the desk. Or did you forget that already?”

Biting her lip, she propelled herself upright and then stumbled over to me. When she settled heavily in my lap and her face instantly burrowed into my throat, I just held her, knowing that I’d inadvertently overwhelmed her and that she needed a moment to process.

I tried to multitask, but without my glasses, the lines on my monitor were blurrier than ever—damn, I needed a nap—so I just rocked back in my seat and closed my eyes, taking the respite where I could grab it.

After at least five minutes of silence, I drawled, “Getting maintenance to install a lock on the bedroom door.”

Her chuckle was low. “You’ve got your priorities straight.”

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