Page 63 of Filthy Truth

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In the time that it took for the staff to make it back from their lunch break, their boss had died and he had been taken to the morgue.

Amid the chaos, I slipped out of the office and reverted to my regular brown hair in the restroom which, courtesy of Anna, stank like the pit of hell.

Tucked away in a stall, I removed my makeup and changed my clothes quickly. Not just because I needed out of there, stat, but because that ex-lax and its results were potent as fuck.

By the time I was in the elevator, I was relieved to be inhaling non-tainted air, and I was smiling to myself at a job well done.




“Hello, Sheridan,” I called out, waiting, ear hovering against the shipping container for him to reply.

He didn’t disappoint. “LET ME OUT OF HERE!”

I smirked at no one in particular. “Where would the fun be in that?”

“FUN? You sick bitch! Let me out of here. Who the fuck are you? Do you know who I am?”

“Unfortunately for you, she does,” Conor said with a chuckle.

“You need to keep away from the door, Sheridan, or I’ll make you regret the day you were born,” was my amicable retort as I leaned one of Conor’s toys against my leg.

Conor dipped his head to whisper in my ear, “It’ll take a cow down if you’re not careful.”

“Isn’t that the point of a cattle prod?”

“How the fuck do you have such good hearing, D?” Conor grumbled.

Ignoring them, I tapped the shipping container. “Sheridan, are you standing near the door?”


“I bet he’s by the door,” D mumbled. “Never did have any sense.”

“I agree.” Bracing myself, I turned to them, nodded, and watched as the three stood behind me like a barricade in case Sheridan managed to get the drop on me.

Unlikely, but we tried to plan for all eventualities.

I reached for the padlock, turned the key I’d slipped into the barrel, and waited for the loud click.

I turned on Conor’s toy, nodded, and that was their cue.

Troy leaned forward, unfastened the padlock, then D opened the door.

He was there.

Ragged, filthy, eyes wild.


All I could think as I stuck him with the metal prongs was, He knows how I felt now.

There was no pity in me, no remorse, no guilt.

Not an ounce.

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