Page 19 of Wild

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The chime over the door rings and Kira and I exchange a frustrated glance. We haven’t even had a chance to catch our breath.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here. Mia Hayes working in asub shop. Color me shocked.” I look up to find Hollis on the other side of the glass, a hand pressed mockingly over his chest. Beside him is Rush, pretending to look around the place but really his eyes stray to Kira every two seconds.

“My parents insist on normalcy—therefore I work. Money isn’t handed to me on a silver platter despite what people may think or the media might portray.”

His lips twitch with amusement.

Plastering on a fake smile I say, “What can I get you?”

I know in my green work shirt and hat, with sweat dampening my brow, and my hair in a sloppy ponytail I look a mess. I don’t care. I’m not ashamed of working. It’s not beneath me. If you want to have things in life, you have to work damn hard to have them. My parents might gift me with some nice things, like my car, but things like my clothes, my shoes, anything IwantI pay for. Don’t get me wrong, they clothed me as a child, but now I’m an adult and it’s on me.

“If you don’t stop leering at me I’m going to punch you in your smug ass pretty girl face,” Kira tells Rush.

Hollis and I both stifle our laughter.

Rush looks taken aback, as if a girl has never spoken to him in such a way.

Honestly, they probably haven’t.

“Well, aren’t you the sweetest thing,” he retorts.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” she warns. Turning to me she asks, “You know these losers?”

I sigh. “Meet Hollis and Rush.” I point to each guy and they nod. “They’re in the band my dad signed,” I explain.

“Oh. In that case, give me your autograph so I can sell it on eBay,” she tells Rush and his brows raise. “I wasjoking.”

“Are you guys done recording for the day?” I ask, trying to be nice since Hollis and I have some sort of truce going on right now. Who knows how long it’ll last.

He nods. “Yeah, Midnight Eyes is pretty much wrapped up. Everything is going smoothly. There’s still some minor tweaking to be done on the producing end, and we might have to re-record some things, but for the most part, it’s done.”

“Cool,” I say, and realize once the word leaves my mouth how pathetic I sound. “Um …what can I get you guys?” I ask again.

Hollis rattles off his order as well as two more for Fox and Cannon who didn’t come. Then I do Rush’s order and Kira wraps everything up, checking them out.

Rush heads out first followed by Hollis who stops with his hand on the door and looks back right at me.

“See you,” he says with a tiny little smile.

I’m baffled by it, by the shyness in it, almost like he’s not used to being genuine.

“Bye,” I say back and he ducks out the door, heading down the street to his hotel. I have no idea where they’re staying but it must be within walking distance to here and the studio. I saw no other cars parked in the lot yesterday, and I know my dad was providing them with vehicles. They wanted it to be a part of their contract to have transportation for themselves, and my dad being my dad bought them each a car. He’s a softy.

Kira turns to me. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“Um…” I hesitate, confused. “Because it wasn’t important.”

“You didn’t think it was important to tell yourbestfriend one of the hot guys in your dad’s new bandlikesyou?”

I snort. “Hollis? He doesn’t like me—not like that. I definitely don’t like him either.”

She gives me a look. “Are you stupid? He has the hots for you.”

I give her an incredulous look. “Nope, he doesn’t, I promise you. He’s … he’s the kind of guy who prefers a different girl warming his bed every night and I’mnotthat girl.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “I’m right and I know I’m right.” She places her hands on her hips.

“Kira, even if you are, I’m not interested.”
