Page 114 of Dirty Devil

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It’s like he can’t stop saying it, and I’ll never get tired of hearing it. It’s like he’s a completely different man, yet at the same time, he’s exactly who he was when I fell in love with him.

For the first time since he said the words that broke my heart, I can smile. I can breathe. I feel alive.

“I love you.”

He pins me to the door and his hands are everywhere, in my hair, down my sides, framing my face. “I love you so much I put this furniture together with your brother.”

“I’d pay to see that.” I pull him toward me, but every time he moves or rubs against me, those damn bells jingle. “I need you to stop moving around. Everyone is going to hear us.”

“I don’t fucking care.”


I leave the nursery with Avery, linking my fingers with hers and keeping her right by my side, which is exactly where she belongs.

It’s been a very long month without her while I put everything in motion.

It was all worth it though. Avery and Mason are worth it.

And they’re fucking mine.

We make our way past the football players, giving them a few fist bumps and thanking them for coming. I know they don’t give a rat’s ass about me or my plan to win Avery back, but I’m still grateful they were here to provide some camouflage. If Avery had walked in and laid her eyes on a room full of hockey players, she would have immediately turned around and left. I guess I owe them one.

As soon as we make it to the living room, Gloria ambushes us in a hug. “I knew those would be some lucky sweaters. Consider us square.” She gives me a wink and nods to Ryan and Gunner, the Nashville Aces tight end and quarterback. “They’ll be getting the Gloria special tonight.”

She gives Avery an extra hug, her hand coming perilously close to my dick before she takes off toward the Aces.

“Do I want to know what the Gloria special is?”

Avery glances up at me, her eyes light and full of amusement. “I’m not sure I know what the Gloria special is. Did she try to grab you?”

“I don’t think she was trying to jingle my bells.” I shrug, rocking my hips and making said bells jingle like it’s their sole mission in life.

“I will pay money not to have to see or hear you do that ever again,” Rhett says as he gives Avery a hug while I get the side eye. “Don’t think I’m hugging you.”

“That hurts. I really thought we bonded over the changing table.”

“You should know, sis, that your boyfriend doesn’t know how to use a screwdriver. You should have seen him trying to put the railing on the crib. It was like giving a wild animal tools. Actually, an animal would have done a better job. His shortcomings should’ve been discussed before I gave my blessing on this whole relationship.”

“Can’t take it back now.”

Avery looks between the both of us, a smile growing across her face. “I really would’ve loved to have seen the two of you putting furniture together.”

“It was a sight to behold,” Lucy adds, joining us with a laugh and wrapping her arm around her husband. “I stopped by to make sure they were fed, and the two of them were surrounded by tools and furniture pieces. You’d think they were married the way they were bickering. And of course, neither one of them had bothered to look at the instructions.”

“We’re men.” I puff out my chest and lean down, pressing a kiss to Avery’s temple. “We don’t need directions.”

“One of us is a man,” Rhett grumbles.

“Rude. Your sister can tell you how much of a man—”

“Alright. Let’s go see who else is here.” Avery pulls me away from a giggling Lucy and a now ticked off Rhett. He knows I can’t help goading him every now and then. Now that I’m happily dating his sister, he wouldn’t punch me, right?

We spend the next hour chatting with the team, but having Avery next to me and not really being able to touch her how I want is driving me wild. There’s still one room I want her to see, and I’d like a little privacy when I show her.

Luckily, Lincoln and Rhett picked up on my desperation and were nice enough to direct everyone out and to the nearest bar to continue the party before I kicked everyone out of my house to make sweet love to my girlfriend.

Or, you know, fuck her so hard she won’t be able to feel her legs tomorrow.
