Page 118 of Dirty Devil

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“You look like an uptight prick.”

“I am an uptight prick.”

Chloe’s favorite princess gets closer, and of course, there’s more singing and more jumping from Chloe, which means more popcorn on my pants.


The princess does a spinning move that half the audience replicates, and when she stops, she’s close to the glass. So close that I can see her face and—

Fuck. Me.

No way.

No fucking way.

“Is that…?” Jazz trails off, but I’m not looking at her. I’m looking at the green-eyed underwater princess in front of me. She looks just as surprised as I am, and I’m not sure if I should be pleased or not.

“Yep. That’s her,” I reply as she gives herself a little shake and skates back to join the rest of her tights-wearing coworkers.

“Who the heck was that?” Tag asks, glancing my way and gesturing toward the ice.

I turn my head, fully intent on telling him to mind his business, but the entire hockey team and their significant others are looking at me.

“Gordon?” Lucy pulls my attention the other direction, and yep, even Remington is looking at me.

I take a deep breath, and I have no clue what I’m going to say.

“Oh, that was Riley. Her and Gordon were high school sweethearts,” Jazz says casually, as if this information isn’t like a bomb being dropped from the top of the stadium and detonating directly in my chest. And then she grabs the bag of popcorn from Lincoln and shoves a handful in her mouth.

Wewerehigh school sweethearts, and there was a time I thought she was the one. Turns out, she was a liar.

I snatch the bag of popcorn out of Jazz’s hands and grab a handful. I need to get the fuck out of here. If I ever see Riley Adams again, it will be too soon.

* * *
