Page 25 of Dirty Devil

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To his face.

But it’s not my brother. Or Gloria. Or even the pizza guy standing on the other side of my door.

Any of those options would have been preferable to the man I find on my doorstep.

Foster. My supposed other half.

Of course, he looks good.

Freshly showered from practice and wearing a pair of faded jeans and a tight-fitting charcoal gray sweater that makes his eyes look a shade lighter. Not me. I’m still sporting the hot mess motif. I’ve got my hair up in a messy bun, my leggings have black and orange stripes, because, well… Halloween, and I’m wearing an oversized faded purple sweatshirt that might have a ketchup stain on the left boob area.

He opens his mouth, but before he can get a word out, Gloria’s door opens from across the hall.

She doesn’t have on her beloved unicorn slippers, but she does have a festive sweater—two pumpkins where her breasts should be, with skeleton hands covering them.

Well, it definitely looks like she’s home early, and yay for me, about to make whatever is happening about ten times more awkward.


I bet this won’t be embarrassing at all.

“Oh, hello there.” She remains in her doorway, thank God, but in dramatic Gloria fashion—leaning against it with one arm stretched along the frame. She’s the picture of casual, or at least she thinks she is. “Avery didn’t tell me she was expecting a gentleman caller.”

“Avery didn’t know he was coming,” I say in my most polite voice, tossing Gloria a look that clearly says,go back in your apartment, woman, which she chooses to ignore. No surprise there.

“I’m Gloria, Avery’s confidante, best friend, and occasional babysitter. And you are?”

“Foster Craig.” He turns around to shake her outstretched hand, and as he does, she takesa turn, raising her eyebrow and sending a questioning look in my direction. I nod, knowing exactly what she wants to know—is this the guy from last night?

She’ll never let me live this down.Remember when that guy you liked kissed you at a Halloween party and then showed up the next day? Remember, Avery?

“Oh, such a strong handshake, and very masculine hands, long fingers. You must be pretty good with those, I reckon.”

I barely suppress an eye roll as she assesses him from head to toe. And I’m not talking about a quick look either. Gloria is scrutinizing him like he’s under a microscope, and even though I can’t see his face, he’s shifting around on his feet like he doesn’t know what’s going on and he’s not sure if he likes it.

He can join the club. I’ve never seen Gloria checking someone out so intently before. I’m not sure how I feel right now and I’m just an unwilling witness.

“Thank you?” His words are slow, and he takes a small step back toward me.

If he thinks I’m going to save him after whatever the hell that kiss was last night, he’s mistaken.

I’m not feeling very generous.

Finally, Gloria snaps her fingers, and her gaze comes back to his face and away from his crotch area. “I think you’re bigger than the pizza man, and that’s saying something.” She glances back at me, a huge grin on her face. “Good luck with this one, Avery. He’s going to be a tough one to handle. Let me know if you need some advice. I know a thing or two about how to handle the big boys.”

What the hell? Where is the snark? The sarcasm? The lecture about leading people on with a kiss that means nothing?

I thought she was supposed to be on my side.

She might as well give him a pat on the bottom and tell him he did a good job.

Jeez. Show her a penis, and she changes allegiance like she changes sweaters.

And to top it all off, she gives me a sly wink before retreating back into her apartment and closing the door.

Classy. Real classy, Gloria.

