Page 32 of Dirty Devil

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“Yeah.” She collects our dishes and takes everything to the kitchen. While she’s gone, I lift Mason up and let him grab onto my fingers. I’ve always had a soft spot for babies, and this guy has already moved himself to my list of favorite people.

Now to convince his mom I’m not out of my mind.

Of course she wouldn’t go for this idea. Avery is fucking real, just like Lucas said. She isn’t out for fame and fortune. She doesn’t care about getting her picture in the gossip rags, and I really don’t think she has a closet full of designer dresses.

Avery has her family, and they mean more to her than stuff, especially knowing a little of what she went through with her abusive father.

But there is something I have that she doesn’t—money.

Not that I think it fixes everything, but if Avery wants to stay at home for a while with Mason and work on herthings, I could make that happen. I’d just need her time. And it would be much different than taking a handout from her brothers.

“What if pretending to be my girlfriend was a job?”

Her brows raise as she sits back down on the couch. “Are you asking me to be your Vivian Ward?”

“Vivian Ward?”

“Pretty Woman. Richard Gere pays Vivian, aka Julia Roberts, to spend time with him. Have you never seenPretty Woman?”

Of course, I have. Everyone has seenPretty Woman. This does have some resemblance to their situation, but with one big difference… maybe two. I willnotbe falling in love. There will be no feelings, no confessions of love, no grand gesture.

Well, and I already kissed her, and I distinctly remember a no kissing on the lips rule in the movie.

“Okay, so a little like that. We could set up some rules, guidelines, that would protect us both. You need money to fix your car and stay home with this little guy.” I gesture to Mason, and on cue, he turns his head and locks his gaze on her. “This wouldn’t be charity or anything. We can even draw up a contract if it makes you feel better.”

“My brother is going to lose his shit if he hasn’t already.”

“I’m not going to say he’ll be okay with everything, but I told him what my agent said. He’s aware you’re fully capable of making your own decisions. And then he said if I hurt you, he’d kill me and make it look like an accident.”

She tosses her head back and laughs. It’s throaty and unfettered, and way different from the fake laughs I usually get from women. “That sounds exactly like him. I’m not saying yes or anything, but how long would this be for? How much money would you pay me? And what would I have to do? And just so we’re clear, I will not be sleeping with you for money. I will not be a prostitute, even a high priced one.”

“Don’t worry; I’m not looking to sleep with anyone anytime soon.” I shift Mason higher on my chest as he lies down and tucks his head under my chin. “I’m thinking maybe until the end of the year.”

“And what would you need me to do?”

“Maybe come to some of the home games. I know some stuff might be hard with Mason, and unfortunately, hockey might be a little too loud for you to bring him.”

“Probably, but I have Gloria. She helps babysit when I need someone and Lucy is busy.”

“Perfect. So maybe some games, and then it wouldn’t hurt to go on a couple of public outings. Dinner… movie… museum… whatever people do on dates. Maybe a couple in November, and a few more in December. That would give the press plenty of opportunity for pictures.” I lean my head back and scratch the scruff on my chin. I think about her time, and what kind of money she probably needs to live the next six months of her life the way she wants. “How about fifty thousand dollars for two months of fake dating?”

Avery’s eyes widen before she laughs again, but this time she’s laughing so hard a few tears slip down her flushed cheeks. “You’re going to pay me, an overweight single mom, that much to pretend to date you?” She swipes at her cheeks, shaking her head. “If we’re being ridiculous, how about sixty thousand?”


This time when her eyes widen, she’s no longer laughing. She can talk about herself all she wants, but as long as she’s with me—fake or not—shewillknow her worth. And honestly, I’d pay a whole lot more if that’s what it takes for her to see herself properly, the way I see her.

She may see a few extra curves, but I see a woman who’s as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. I’d never tell her brother, but I think she’s sexy as sin. Different from the usual women I meet, but in a good way. She’s not the kind of girl you use for one night. If I let myself, I could get lost in her and that’s scary as fuck.

“Foster, that’s way too much.”

What she’s not saying is that she doesn’t think she’s worth it. I can see it all over her face. “Baby Remington, your time is priceless, and I’d pay a lot more money to have you on my arm. You’re worth it.”

She sucks in a breath and doesn’t say anything for a while. “Well, shit. I guess I can’t say no to that. When do we start?”

“I have a home game next Tuesday. I can get you right in front of the glass.”

Mason lifts his head and gives me one of the biggest toothless smiles I’ve ever seen, and I can’t help but smile back.
