Page 34 of Dirty Devil

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She won’t take money from her brother, but our arrangement allows her to spend more time at home with Mason.

I’m helping her out, not breaking her heart.

“You can tell him to mind his business.” Linc studies me for several seconds, his brows raised, and his eyes burning into mine. I don’t like it.

“Just saying. I was a single dad for a few months, and look at the mess I was. Avery has it hard enough as it is,” Tag grumbles, turning around and gesturing for Linc to unmute the game.

While Boston scores another goal, my mind drifts to Avery.

Does she really want to fake date me for money?

It sounds so terrible when it’s all together like that.

Maybe I am a bastard.

Maybe I am making things worse.

She has a baby at home, and I’m asking her to come out to a hockey game.

I’m a bloody twat, no question.

Fuck, I need to text Avery and make sure she’s really okay with this. But as I open my phone, I see a text from my agent.

Lucas Finn: Just a heads up, I hear the new GM will be there by the end of next week and he’s ready to clean house. Make sure you’re selling Cramington to the news and keep your nose clean. He likes guys that are committed.

Bloody hell. I really do need to make sure Avery is still willing to play along. My career with the Nashville Devils might depend on it. While I’ve always been committed to hockey, I haven’t shown the same dedication in other areas of my life.

And honestly, I don’t see the correlation. I’ve devoted my entire life to hockey. Not having a wife or girlfriend doesn’t make my commitment any less steadfast. If anything, that means I can invest more time.

I can’t tell you how many rookies I’ve seen lose their career, their minds, or their money because of a woman. It’s not worth it.

Neither is responding to Lucas right now, so instead of telling him to fuck off like I really want to, I bring up Avery’s number.

Me: Are you still planning on coming to the game tonight?

Baby Remie: Yep! Gloria is excited to come over, watch Mason, and order a pizza. I think she’s hoping to trick the delivery man with my address.

Me: I’m afraid to ask… How does she know it will be the same pizza guy?

Baby Remie: She got his schedule from the manager and puts in a special request every time she calls.

Me: Of course she does.

Baby Remie: She’s even letting me borrow her car. It’s a mini cooper. And it’s hot pink. Lucy would love it.

Me: Shit, I forgot about your car. I’m sending one to pick you up and then I’ll take you home.

Baby Remie: Foster…

Me: It’s our first fake date. Let me spoil you.

Baby Remie: I don’t know.

Me: Come on, pretty woman, let me take you home. It’s the least I can do. You’re doing me a huge favor.

Baby Remie: Not a favor. A job.

Baby Remie: You’re paying me, remember?
