Page 4 of Dirty Devil

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Or shave my legs.

“You know what this costume is, right?” Owen asks, holding up the Ahoy hat and pointing at it like I haven’t seen it. Or thought about throwing it in the garbage. Or wanted to set it on fire.

“Yeah, it’s hideous.”

“This is Steve Harrington.”

He waves the hat around like his statement is going to make a difference, like I’m suddenly going to see the waving, floppy hat and know what the fuck he’s talking about.

I don’t know a Steve bloody Harrington. And if he dresses like this, I don’t want to.

But then I get a little buzz in the back of my brain… and maybe he does sound familiar. From where, I’m not entirely sure.

“Yep, that’s it.” Ian snaps his fingers. “From Stranger Things.”

Fuck. My. Life.

Season three Steve, where he works at the damned ice cream shop. That’s exactly what this is. He is, hands down, my favorite character from the series, and he has the best hair, but it doesn’t mean I like himthismuch. Or that I wanted to be him for Halloween, especially the season three version.

What about the badass Steve with the cool eighties jacket and a bat full of nails?

There’s only one person who knew how much I loved the show, who knows exactly how many times I watched each season, armed with frozen waffles.


He’ll pay for this.

I pull my phone back out, intent on telling Rhett where he can shove those blue shorts—it’s somewhere the sun doesn’t shine and rhymes with crass.

And that I’m not going to this party tonight.

There’s no way I’ll give him the satisfaction of seeing me wearing this getup.

Nope. Not doing it.

Ian and Owen can find someone else to take them. I’ll donate some money and call it a day. Easy.

But as soon as I unlock my phone, it vibrates. I’m expecting it to be Remington talking shit, but I’m only partially right.

It’s a Remington, just not my teammate.


Rhett’s little sister.

Baby Remie: I’m in trouble.

Me: I’m going to need more than that, Avery.

Me: Are you okay?

Baby Remie: I think so. My car died on Broadway coming in from Lucy’s old apartment. I managed to get to the side of the road, but it’s pretty busy.

Me: Have you called Rhett?

Baby Remie: Yes, but he didn’t answer. I think he’s already at the party. We were supposed to be there early to help Lucy with a few things.

Baby Remie: I thought I forgot to put gas in it, but there’s smoke coming from under the hood. I’m not sure what to do.
