Page 46 of Dirty Devil

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He’s saving me from myself.

Saving me from getting too deep, too close.

And most importantly, he’s reminding me that this isn’t real, no matter what the rest of me might be thinking.

“Hey.” I wait until Avery takes a sip of her soda and then nudge her with my shoulder. “You think we can take a couple pictures together? I need to put something up on my social media.”

“Is everything okay?” Her voice is low but laced with concern.

“Yeah, it’s fine. It’s time we officially announced our relationship on social media, don’t you think?”

Her pretty mouth falls open, but no sound comes out. She stares at me for a few breaths and then nods.

I open up my camera app and hold it out and up for the most optimal selfie angle. Plus it gets her jersey, making it clear that she—it—is mine.

Avery looks at my phone with a shy smile. She’s right next to me but there’s a distance in her eyes that makes her feel miles away.

Which is fine because this is all fake, and I need to get a grip on myself.

After snapping a few pictures, I pull up the ‘gram to make everything official, because we all know that if it isn’t on social media, it’s not important. I’ll never understand this shit. I’m glad the Devils have an entire media team to run their various accounts and none of it actually falls on us.

This probably comes as a shock, but I really don’t like being out in the public eye. My life is just that, mine, and I have a hard time letting anyone in—including my teammates.

Even these guys. They know me, but do they really know me? Do they know my hopes, dreams, fears?

It’s my fault they don’t, I know it is. I’ve let them get close enough, but not too close. I keep things friendly and superficial, like I do everything else.

Still, despite everything, these guys are more family to me than any team I’ve been on. But hell, I don’t know jack shit about family—only that they can be there one minute, and gone the next.

That could be me, alone, abandoned, if I don’t pull my head out of my ass and make the relationship with Avery look real without letting her get too close.

Without getting all tangled up in feelings I don’t want to have.

I glance over at her, and she catches my gaze. “I should get going. I don’t like being away from Mason for so long.”

“I’ll take you home.”

“Really, I can get a rideshare. I’ve already taken up too much of your time tonight. You should hang out with the team. Have fun. Drink beer.”

She’s giving me an out, letting me create distance and I should take it. If I were smart, I’d take it, but I don’t like the thought of her leaving here by herself. “I said I’d take you home. I’m not comfortable with you getting in some stranger’s car.”



“You’re impossible,” she huffs and crosses her arms.

“Better get used to it, Princess.”


Damn him. Why does he have to be a fucking gentleman? Why can’t he just let me go on my merry way so I can put some much needed distance between us?

I need some time to sort my feelings out and take back the reins of my heart so I don’t get the wrong idea. Because, holy shit, I had a few moments tonight where I completely lost myself, where I forgot this whole thing was a façade and let myself believe Foster’s actions were genuine.

But of course, they’re not. It’s all for show, and I need to get my damn head in the game. It’s about public appearance and making sure our relationship seems infallible.

Foster’s hand finds the small of my back as we make our way out through the front of the bar. His touch feels hot, like a brand, like he’s searing himself into my skin. Even with the jersey in the way, I can practically feel the tips of his fingers grazing my flesh.
