Page 60 of Dirty Devil

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Me: I’m wearing a turtleneck to cover it up, and I swear everyone knows.

British Strumpet: Isn’t it pretty warm today?

Me: Maybe. But Lucy was coming over here.

British Strumpet: And you didn’t want her to think we were dating?

British Strumpet: I hate to tell you, Princess, but that’s kind of the point.

Me: Was that what happened last night? Making people think we’re dating?

British Strumpet: No.

Me: No?

British Strumpet: No.

British Strumpet: Where are you? Home?

Me: No, actually. I’m at a bookstore.

British Strumpet: Like with books?

Me: Believe it or not, yes. I can pick you up a few if you like.

British Strumpet: Surprise me.

British Strumpet: Your brother’s nosey ass keeps trying to look at my phone. Can I call you after the game?

British Strumpet: If you want.

British Strumpet: No pressure.

Me: That sounds great. Good luck tonight. Make sure you kick some Oiler ass. I’ll even wear your jersey for good luck.

Me: Don’t worry, it’s washed.

British Strumpet: Thank God. I would not want to be there to smell that.

British Strumpet: Later, Princess.

Me: Bye, Foster.

I slip my phone into my back pocket, unable to help the smile stretching across my face and get to work.

After snagging the Melanie Harlow book, I grabAxelby Samantha Whiskey,This Is Crazyby Natasha Madison, andDirty Talkerby Mira Lyn Kelly. All great authors with fake relationships stories. I’m contemplating actually getting something for Foster when I seeFreezing the Puckby Lasairiona McMaster, an enemies-to-lovers with a hockey player who’s also an author.

Done. Sign me up.

I hope this hockey player enjoys his extracurricular reading assignment.

While I’m nervous to give him anything that lets on I read romance novels, I’m also very curious to see his reaction. Plus, it’s not like he can’t look at my bookshelves and figure out what I read. It wouldn’t be that hard.

Holly claps her hands together with a squeal as soon I round the corner with my book haul. She already has a pink canvas tote bag open and ready. This book club might be what I need to give me a little bit of courage.

And hearing what Holly Hope has to say about her experience publishing as an indie author will be invaluable.

“I see you found some goodies. Oh my. I love Axel and this cover.” She puts a hand to her forehead and pretends to faint. “Swoon. These big Viking men really do it for me.”
