Page 74 of Dirty Devil

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I wake up with a groan, the light from the early morning sun streaming through my curtains and bathing me with warmth.

Or maybe that’s the residual from all those orgasms.

Last night was… earth shattering. Foster was right about that. Shortly after he tried to fuck me through the mattress, I fell asleep, only to be woken up with his head between my legs an hour later. He pulled orgasm after orgasm from me as we made the most of our night together.

It was surreal, like a thing out of a romance novel. His stamina and dick size are what makes the best book boyfriend material.

My muscles are still sore.

There’s a chance I’ll still feel Foster and his fancy penis deep inside me for the next several days, but there’s no way you’ll hear me complaining—especially about the fancy part. That was an experience I’ll relive until the day I die.

I reach behind me, but if the cool sheets are any sign, Foster is long gone.

He told me he wasn’t the relationship type when this whole charade started. I really can’t be surprised he didn’t stay the night after fucking me straight into dreamland, especially since nothing has changed between us.

One night doesn’t make this relationship real, even if there were a few moments that felt like it.

That’s on me for having any kind of expectations.

Every single time I think I have a man figured out, they prove just how wrong I am. Just look at Ron. He had me thinking we were in a mutually committed relationship while he was out fucking anything with tits. I also thought he’d support me through my pregnancy, and we all know how that turned out.

At least Foster was upfront. He told me he couldn’t make me any promises.

Despite his body making them for him.

I shove down the rising disappointment swirling in my gut and force myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes and pushing my hair out of my face.

Mason is still at Gloria’s and should be waking up any minute for his breakfast. She’s said she’ll keep him as long as I need her to, but I don’t want to impose on her kindness any more than necessary.

After throwing on a pair of flannel pajama shorts and a matching t-shirt, I pull my very messy hair into a ponytail and head toward the kitchen for a quick coffee. But I don’t make it too far before I’m frozen in my tracks.

Foster Craig is tucked into the corner of my couch, dressed in his wrinkled clothes from yesterday. The sports channel is on in the background, but the volume is low and he’s not paying it a lick of attention because he’s reading something on my laptop.

Wait… Reading?

No, no, no, no.

My freaking hockey romance novel wasn’t left open for him to see.

There’s no way.


Not only would that be embarrassing, but it could be a sure way to ruin this thing between us.

I’m sure everything is fine. I’m sure I saved it and closed my word document like I never do. Best case scenario, he closed it really quickly, didn’t look at it at all, and pulled up something on the internet that requires his undivided attention.

Don’t hockey players look at stats all the time?

There’s no way I’m that lucky.

Fuck my life.

It makes perfect sense for the guy who rocked my world last night—hell, the only guy to ever rock my world—to actually stay over, only to see that I’m writing a dirty romance novel and run for the hills.Dammit.

I try to ignore the frantic beating of my heart and the gigantic lump that’s lodged itself in my throat and act casual. “What are you doing?”
