Page 98 of Dirty Devil

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Hell, it was all my mistakes, one right after another. I proposed the fake relationship, I crossed the line and kissed her, and then I leapt across it and slept with her. It was supposed to be pretend, and I went and fell in lo—likewith her.

At least that’s something I can fix before it completely destroys us both.


Holy shit balls, talk about a disaster of a hockey game. It’s like watching a car crash, a train wreck, a volcano eruption—you know the end result isn’t going to be pretty, someone is probably going to get hurt, yet you can’t tear your eyes away.

Gloria and Jazz are chatting away like they have most of the game, while Gordon and I are glued to the ice and the ensuing chaos.

His hand clenches around the glass of bourbon he’s been nursing the whole game, and I swear his whole face spasms. “No offense to your boyfriend, but what the fuck is he thinking?”

“No offense taken,” I respond, watching said boyfriend and my brother head down the tunnel after being ejected from the game.

Ejected after fighting with Ron Cooper, who isn’t worth a minute of their time, although, I can’t say I’m surprised. Ron had a hard-on for Foster every time they got on the ice. He never let him have an ounce of breathing room. It’s no wonder Foster eventually snapped.

Even though I know Ron is his own person and I can’t stop what he does, I feel like this whole thing is my fault. Maybe I should have heard him out at the coffee shop. Maybe I shouldn’t have snapped at him. Or maybe he’s just a dick and it wouldn’t have mattered what I did.

“We can’t afford this shit this season,” he mumbles, tugging at the knot of his tie with his free hand.

I nod, even though I have no idea what he’s talking about. What I do know is that this ejection won’t paint Foster in the best light to the new general manager, and I really hope it doesn’t mess with his contract renewal.

I know he wants to stay here, and hell, I want him to stay.

But what if he doesn’t? What if he gets traded? He’s not going to want some single mom and her baby dragging him down.

“What’s got you frowning so hard?” Gloria questions as she comes up next to me with Jazz flanking her other side. “That British porn star of yours put up a hell of a fight.”

Gordon turns to look at me, his face red and his mouth hanging open. “He’s a—”

“No!” I hold my hands up and shoot Gloria a warning look. “That’s just a nickname Gloria gave him. He has never done porn.”

“It’s because he has a big dick,” Gloria deadpans, and Jazz spits out the water she was drinking. Gordon looks at her like he’s never been more horrified in his life. “I have a gift for these things.”

“Now you…” Gloria taps her lips and assesses him with a shrewd eye.

“That’s my cue to run to the bar.” Jazz winks my way before running off, mumbling, “Don’t need to hear about my brother’s dick size.”

Gordon blanches under Gloria’s gaze, which I didn’t think was possible. She’s in her sixties with the wordzamboneron her sweatshirt, and he’s a big ass ex-hockey player in a three-piece suit.

“We don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.”

“You’re stiffer than a teenage boy with his first boner.”

Gordon chokes, on what I’m not sure, and I don’t know if I should let him ride it out or slap him on the back a few times.

“I mean you have a big one, too… Not sure what you hockey players are eating, but the rest of the male population could use some,” she continues like she isn’t giving Gordon a heart attack on the spot. His face is turning slightly purple, and I back away a few feet. “But your whole demeanor tells me you like to be in control yet challenged in the bedroom. It also tells me it’s been a while since you let the dominant side of you out to play.”

“Okay, Gloria.” I grab her shoulders and direct her focus back to the ice. “Let’s finish watching the game and leave this nice man alone.”

“It hasn’t been that long,” Gordon mutters as he blows out at breath, this time completely loosening his tie.

Gloria clucks her tongue. “Whatever you have to tell yourself,Sir.”

“Fuck me,” he grumbles before walking off toward the bar, leaving Gloria and I alone.

“That was fun.”

I throw my head back and laugh as the second period ends and the Zamboni comes out to clean and smooth the ice. “You’re a wicked woman.”
