Page 103 of Strictly Pleasure

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I let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I’ll buy you a new trashcan.” He’s usually the first person I call when there’s a weather event coming. I feel terrible.

“It’s fine. I just wanted to check on you. Did you get there safely? Did you avoid the rain?”

“Yes and yes.” The bathroom door opens and Ariel walks in. She notices I’m on the phone and gives me a nod. I step into the hallway to give her privacy because nobody wants an audience when they have to go.

“And there’s no more rain due tomorrow?” he asks.

“No.” I can say that for certain. “It’s going to be a beautiful day. No rain, just sunshine. Almost too hot again probably.”

“Well you drive safely when you head home. And call me, I want to hear all the details about the party.”

“I will, Dad. Sorry again. I’ve been a bit distracted.”

He gives a little chuckle. “I know. I love you, honey.”

“I love you, too.” I hang up and for some reason decide to check my messages. And when I do it’s like I’ve been hit in the chest by a ten ton truck.

There are five texts from Michael. Each one more irate than the last. All basically saying the same thing.

Sophie, can you please answer my damn calls? Your report was never submitted. We’ve missed the deadline. THIS IS BIG SHIT!!! – Michael.

What? That’s not true. I remember sending it on Friday. It doesn’t stop my hands from shaking as I pull up Michael’s number and hit the call button.

As soon as he answers he lets out a huff. “Finally.”

“Michael? The report, I sent it.” My throat feels tight. “I remember sending it. I hit the button.”

“No, you didn’t. They called me about five hours ago and said they were surprised we didn’t put in a bid. I told them we had but they have no emails from you at all.”

My heart starts slamming against my chest. “I have a send receipt. Let me find it. The email should be in my sent folder.”

He sighs again. “Call me back when you do. I’m going to have to tell Donald about this. I fucking promised him we would do this, Sophie. I gave him my word.”

“Okay,” I say quickly. “I will.”

I hang up and open my email app, but it doesn’t load properly. I only have a single bar of signal on my 4G. I hadn’t bothered asking for the internet password when we arrived since I wasn’t planning on needing the internet much while here.

A couple push past me, laughing and drinking champagne. I step back but my back hits the wall. Then the band gets louder and I can’t think properly. I keep hitting refresh but nothing happens.

Ariel walks out of the bathroom and spots me jabbing at my phone.

“Is everything okay?” she asks.

I blink. “It’s fine. Just a work thing.” I’m too anxious to actually talk about this. I just want to prove I sent the damn thing. “I might just go back to the cabin.” My laptop is there, and I know Eli has his own WIFI code on the wall. It’ll be quicker to log on there and pull my email account up on the laptop.

“Want me to come with you?” she asks, still looking concerned. “Or get Liam?”

“No, it’s okay.” He doesn’t need to know about this. I don’t want to spoil his mom’s party.

“Okay,” she says, still looking at me. “I hope you manage to sort it out.”

I nod and turn on my heel, making my way out of the front door so nobody sees me. It’s rude to leave mid-party, but hopefully nobody will notice if I do this quickly then head back. My mind is full of anxious thoughts as I almost run down the lit path toward the cabins, having to hold my dress up with one hand as I clasp my purse with the other. The lights outside Eli’s cabin are on so I can easily see as I hurry up the steps and slide my key into the lock. Throwing my purse onto the table next to the door, I head for my room and grab my laptop.

It takes longer than it should to key in the WIFI code, mostly because my hands are shaking. Finally, it connects and I use my finger on the mouse pad to open up my work email app, and slowly it loads in front of me.

The first thing I do is click on the sent emails. There are a few there from Friday so I have to scroll down but then I see it. My email.

And then I see what’s wrong. The email address. I put in the wrong email address. Instead of sending it to NTV – our parent network – I sent it to our rivals, BTV.
