Page 117 of Strictly Pleasure

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She’s tearful the whole way home. There are no huge gasping sobs, but tiny little ones that stutter every now and then like she can’t quite catch her breath. They wreck me more than any screaming sob could. She’s so fucking restrained, even when she’s upset.

Somehow I manage to get most of the story out of her. And I’m even more pissed when I find out why she’s been pushed out of the building.

“Because of an email address? Seriously?” I shake my head. I wonder if I can buy the damn station.

But she’d hate that. And I love her so I won’t. Dammit.

“It’s a competitor.”

“That email might not even exist at the competitor. There’s no proof that it even arrived there.”

“You know how email servers work,” she says, her lip trembling. “It’ll go there anyway, especially since it didn’t bounce back. If the right person reads it then they’ll know all about the weather hub plans.”

“But they shouldn’t send you out of the building until they know for sure.” And yet there’s part of me that knows I’d do the same. I have a ruthless streak when it comes to most things.

“They did anyway,” she says wanly. “And they’re right, it is my fault. I should have checked that email. I always double check things. I was just…” She sighs. “Stupid, I guess.”

Guilt pulls at my stomach. I distracted her. And I couldn’t even tell her the truth about my life. We pull into her apartment’s parking lot and climb out, walking silently into the lobby. She pushes the button for the elevator, then leans against me. I take it because dammit I need the connection.

When we’re inside I make her coffee and insist she actually eats something because I know for sure that she won’t if given the choice. My own stomach is growling so I make us both a sandwich. She manages three bites before she gives up.

“I love you,” I tell her, because I need her to know she isn’t alone.

She nods. “I love you, too.”

“I could make this all go away,” I say, because it needs to be said out loud. “I know the right people. Just tell me to call them and I will.”

She blinks. “No. I don’t want…”

Of course she doesn’t. That wouldn’t be my girl. She’s gotten to where she is thanks to sheer hard work and grit.

But it’s killing me to see her like this.

“I think I’m going to take a shower,” she says. “And then maybe try to sleep. It’s been a long few hours.”

“That’s a good idea,” I tell her.

“Do you want to go home? There’s not much you can do here.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

She gives me the smallest of smiles then walks to her bedroom, leaving the door open. A moment later I hear the shower running and I clean up the kitchen and then grab my phone.

I call Ava and Myles to let them know I’m with her. I call my mom and my dad to explain why I left in such a hurry. They’re all worried about her and insist that I do something to help.

So then I call Sam, my assistant, because she’s the only one I know who can do what I need right now.

And when I explain she laughs softly. “Only you would ask me to do that.”

“I know. And I’m going to put it in writing because if there’s any blowback it falls on me, not you.” She’s a single mom. I’d never let her do anything that risks her family’s security.

“Okay. I’m on it. But it may take a little while. And I can’t promise anything.”

“I understand,” I tell her. It’s a shot in the dark. “But if you pull it off I’m going to give you the mothership of all pay rises.”

“That’s music to my ears, boss.”

Ending the call, I walk into Sophie’s bedroom. She’s curled up on the bed, her wet hair splayed out on the pillow, a white towel wrapped around her. I climb in beside her and pull her against me, and after a couple of minutes I feel her relax, enough for her breath to even out and her eyes to flutter shut.
