Page 124 of Strictly Pleasure

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And I’m here for that, too.

They walk into the hallway that leads to the offices and I follow them idly, deciding that she might not be in such a hurry if she can see that I’m happy waiting. I still feel guilty about that email. She was crazy busy that Friday thanks to my late nights with her and having to get away for my mom’s party.

When she reaches the office withWeather Deptwritten in blue lettering above the door my teeth grit because I can see her boss in there. He doesn’t move despite her attempt to duck around him.

My fists curl. Don’t push me, asshole.

“You got lucky,” he tells her. “If that email hadn’t bounced you’d be out of a job by now.”

My jaw tightens.

“Don’t be stupid,” she tells him. “It was a mistake. A genuine one. And I don’t appreciate the way you seemed to be enjoying my pain.”

She gives him a look of disdain and pushes past him, causing his arm to bang against the door jamb.

“Hey, that hurt.”

She ignores him.

The problem is thatIcan’t. I want to. For her sake mostly because I know she doesn’t like confrontation. But I love her and I want to protect her and this asshole is hurting what’s mine.

So I walk over to him and grab him by the collar, then I pull him out of the damn doorway and into the hall. I must take him by surprise because he doesn’t resist, just moves those tiny shiny feet until I push him against the wall.

“Remember our last talk?” I say to him.

“Um… yes?”

“That’s funny,” I tell him. “Because you’re not acting like you remember it at all. Lucky for you I do. Every word. And I think I told you that if you talked to Sophie like that again you’d lose your job.” My lips curl. “Oh and that I’d hit you.” I can’t do it, I know that. But I want to.

He blanches. “You can’t do that. I’d sue.”

From the corner of my eye I see Sophie’s friends watching us. I think about hitting him anyway, but it wouldn’t be a fair fight.

And I like my right hand. Although I’m hoping it will get a bit less use in the future.

“Let me just say this,” I say, leaning forward until he can feel the heat of my breath on his face. He tries to cower back but I don’t let go of his collar.

“You’re hurting me,” he complains.

“I’m not going to threaten you with violence this time,” I tell him. “Or your job. Because I don’t think you’re going to have it for much longer anyway.”

His bottom lip starts to tremble.

“You’re all seeing this, right?” he calls out to the people behind me.

“Seeing what?” Sophie’s friend, Lisa asks. “Does anybody see anything here?”

“Nope,” the guy next to her says.

“Me either,” the female news anchor whose name escapes me adds. “Actually, I think I see Michael Rimmer being a bully to his staff. Maybe we should report that.”

I let go of his collar and step back. He keeps himself pinned against the wall like he’s unable to move.

“We’ve got this,” Lisa says. “Haven’t we, guys?”

“She’s safe here always,” a mountain of a guy standing next to her says. “He steps out of line and he’s toast.” He walks forward and shakes my hand. “I’m Ray and if you want to send more shellfish in for lunch I won’t complain.”

I grin. “I’ll remember that.”
