Page 29 of Last Love

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“Good night, Avery. And before you ask, there’s Froot Loops in the cupboard.”

“Yay,” she says, bouncing off the couch and hurrying to the kitchen. I sigh and head back to my bedroom and my empty bed. Except when I get there, it isn’t empty. Houdini is lying on his side, his head on the pillow like a human.

I smile and shake my head. At least my sisters can’t say I’m sleeping alone.



Iwake up the following day with one of the hardest erections of my life. Seriously, it’s painful. Thanks to my dreams, there was no way not to wake up like this. Well, there is, but I haven’t had a wet dream in years.

I can see that it’s before nine in the morning from the sun’s position. I sit up and wince. I slip my hand over my dick, giving myself some relief.

It’s been years since I woke up this hard, this needy for a woman. I’m just shy of thirty, but I’ve never been a slave to my sexuality. I know how to have a good time, that’s for sure. But I had other things I wanted to accomplish, and chasing women got in the way.

Now, though, the temptation is living next door to me.

I look down at my dick. Yep, I’m gonna need to take a shower and jack off. I doubt Liv would appreciate it if I showed up at her door with an erection to end all erections.

I step into the shower and turn it on. A rush of cold water hits me first. Then as the water warms, I slip my hand down to my cock, wrapping my fingers around it. I think of Liv. Since our night together in Vegas, she’s been the leading woman I fantasize about. Closing my eyes, I let the memory of her voice flit just like before. She smells of honeysuckle and sin and temptation. She did last night. Even though she wasn’t that close to me, I could smell it.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to walk past a honeysuckle bush again without getting hard.

It doesn’t take me long before I feel the telltale tingle, my balls drawing up as I pump faster and faster, needing relief but almost hating it because it isn’t her. I can pretend that she’s with me. Her hands are on me. She’s sliding down my body, kissing my flesh before she flicks her tongue over the crown of my dick before taking me into her mouth.

Ropes of come explode out of me as I continue to pump and pump until I’m so spent that I’m dizzy and have to lean against the glass. My breath is coming out in harsh pants. As I rinse off, I realize that living next door to Liv might have its disadvantages. I could tell by the horror etched on her face last night that she isn’t happy with the situation. And I know she likes to keep her love life—what she has of one—separate from her kids. That was easy to see from her reaction.

But by the time I’m drying off and getting dressed, I’m already thinking about more. More of Liv in my bed, hearing her moan, tasting every inch of her body. Again.

I shake my head. If I keep thinking like that, I’ll have to jack off again. Doing my best to push my thoughts of Liv aside, I decide to get on with my day.

Making my way to the kitchen, I realize this is my cheat day. I love to eat, and I love bacon and eggs for breakfast. I would eat it every day and twice on Sundays, but I know that isn’t a good idea. So, I pick one day a week to eat all the bad stuff I want.

I measure out a full pot of coffee. Tonight’s going to be a late night at the restaurant, and probably busier than yesterday. Once that’s done, I get my food going.

I’m cooking breakfast when I hear the same scratch against my back door that I heard last night. I roll my eyes and realize that this might be a thing. Also, this will kill me if I can’t convince Liv back into my bed. Seeing her every day might be dire to my health. I go to the back door and open it. There’s Houdini, who just trots into my house like he did last night, his strange little mohawk vibrating with each step.

“What the hell is up with you, dog?”

He sits down next to the stove where I have bacon sizzling. He’s the oddest dog. I know golden retrievers are friendly sorts, but he’s a bit of an asshole. It’s like he thinks this house is his, as is the bacon I’m cooking.

“Absolutely not. No bacon for you.”

He cocks his head to the side, and his tongue hangs out of his mouth.

“That doesn’t work on me.”

He huffs and turns his head away, giving me a bit of a side eye. I want to laugh, but I don’t because I don’t want the damned dog to know he’s amusing. He’ll probably think it’s a way to my food.

I turn the bacon over with one eye on Houdini. Of course, the one good thing about him showing up is I might get to see Liv again. And yes, I know how pathetic that sounds, and I don’t care.


The voice I hear isn’t Liv’s. It’s male, and it’s young. Her son.

I sigh, a little disappointed it isn’t Liv. I go to the front door. Callie and Sam are walking down the street, Callie looking irritated but worried. They look so…alone, just like Liv. They all think it’s them against the world, although I know they have a good family support system. I understand that feeling. The entire town supported us after our parents died, but no one would ever be able to replace them. It was Wyatt, Everly, and me, and to an extent, Becca, my sister’s best friend and business partner.

“Sammy. Callie.”
