Page 52 of Last Love

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“I knew it was Mason and Houdini.”

I don’t point out that he didn’t know Houdini was with me until he opened the door. She draws in a deep breath and releases it slowly. I have a feeling she does that several times a day.

“Go get washed up.”

The little boy doesn’t hesitate as he urges Houdini to come with him. Then, we’re standing there, me still on her porch, holding a container of cookies I made with her in mind. My palms are growing damp, and all I can think is that I want to kiss her. Just grab her and kiss the living hell out of her. I lean closer, as does she…until the spell is broken by Avery.

“Hey, what are those?”

Liv jerks back, as do I. It takes me a second to get my brain back under control.

“They’re cookies.”

Avery reaches for them, but I hold them out of reach. “I made them for Liv. Plus, we haven’t had dinner yet.”

Avery frowns.

“Come in, Mason. And Avery, could you make sure that Sammy washes his hands?”

“Boys are gross,” Avery says, then she wanders off.

“Sorry about that.”

I shake my head, handing her the cookies. “I made snickerdoodles.”

She takes the container and smiles. “My favorite.”

Inwardly, I sigh as relief filters through me. I wasn’t sure if Sammy was lying to me about Liv’s favorite cookie just to gethisfavorite. When I was his age, I would have asked for my favorite just to make sure I got it.

“Everything is about ready,” she says. I follow her into the kitchen. It already looks like hers. There are pictures I’m sure Sammy has drawn on the fridge and all kinds of picture magnets of the kids. There’s one with a man who looks like a grown version of Sammy, wearing a uniform, holding a miniature Callie and a pregnant Liv.

I want that.

Then I blink. I don’t want that. Right? I mean, I barely know her. Maybe it’s because we’re spending so much time together these last couple of weeks. Truthfully, I’ve had more meals with her family than I have had with mine. It has to be the familiarity. Plus, I want to taste her pussy again, feel the way her muscles grip me as I push inside of her.

Of course, the half chub I had is now threatening to become a complete boner.

So, yeah, it’s about wanting her. Has to be. I push that idea aside and help her get the last of the meal on the table.

The table seats six, with Liv at the head, Sammy to her right, and me next to him. He insisted that I sit next to him, and I get it. Everly used to talk about being the only girl in a boy family and how annoying it was. I always thought it was just another thing she found to complain about—Everly does like to bitch—but now I understand it a bit more.

Avery and Callie are seated across from Sammy and me, as Sammy starts talking about the tomato plants we picked from. He’s been spending more and more time in the garden with me. Again, spending time with this family has something moving in my chest, something warm and kind of squishy.

“And Mason says he has a garden on the roof of his restaurant, and guess what?”

“What?” Avery asks, her eyes dancing. I feel that these two have talked about something prior to the dinner.

“He says I can come to see it as long as Mommy says it’s okay.”

Everyone turns to Liv, who just put mashed potatoes on her plate. She looks up, her eyes rounded in surprise. I feel her mind was half there and half somewhere else. I’ve found that working with mothers, they seem to have the ability to keep up with two or three things at once.

Carefully, she sets the bowl of mashed potatoes down.

“Uh, I would have to be with you, but as long as you didn’t pressure Mason about it.”

“No, ma’am.” His voice is sincere, and I know he’s lying, seeing how I’m the one in question. He would not shut up about going on the roof when I mentioned it. I should have known better. Boys like anything that might be dangerous.

“I need Mason to reassure me.”
