Page 63 of Last Love

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“Maybe he has kids of his own and he doesn’t know about it.”


She smiles, although I see the gentle understanding in her eyes. It is almost my undoing.

“There are no guarantees in life. You know that better than most people.”

“Yeah.” Another sigh escapes my lips. “But what if I do and he walks away? They’ll be hurt.”


“What are you getting at?”

“Losing their father probably has more impact on them than losing your bang buddy.”

“First, don’t call him that. Second, them losing their father is the reason it would devastate them.”

“You know what I see? I see two kids who roll with the punches. They have a massive loving family who love them to pieces, and mom who would fight dragons for them. It would hurt them, but I think this is more about you than them.”


“Let’s be honest.Youwould be devastated if it didn’t work out. Mason isn’t an asshole. He wouldn’t cut those kids off. So, this is about you.”

“I...” another sigh. When did I become so melodramatic? I don’t have time for that. “I need to know.”

Now it’s her turn to sigh. “I understand that.”

“Do you?” I ask, searching her expression.

She nods. “Sam got killed and it was made worse by the fact that you were pregnant. But, Liv, you can’t know unless you try.”

“But how will I know if he’s right for me?”

“I think you already do and that’s what is freaking you out.”

“Maybe.” I pick at my comforter knowing I need to talk to my kids, to hug them and let them know exactly how much I missed them. I just can’t seem to make myself move. I look up at Avery who is patiently waiting on my thought process.

“You don’t date.”

“I do, just not seriously.”

“Since Wade.”

She nods. “Wade taught me to be careful, but that doesn’t mean I’m not actively looking.”

“And what would make you take that chance again? How would you know a man was worth the fight?”

“He would be able to quote Taylor Swift lyrics to me from memory.”

The answer is so Avery, I laugh.

“Don’t you think that’s setting the bar a little high?”

“Nope. First, Taylor is the Queen of Everything. Second, it’s not too difficult that a guy couldn’t do it, but just difficult enough so I know he can deal with me.”

Of course. Avery is one of the most self-aware people I know. I think that’s why she’s so good at teaching people social media.

“Are you going to be hanging out here for awhile?”
