Page 31 of One and the Flame

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She crouched down, lowering her tone. “I’m not going to hurt you.” She extended a hand, seeing the back leg was bleeding. She took a step closer.

The animal looked at her with wide eyes, scared. She was stiff, seeing it had deep blue irises, almost like a river. She placed a hand in front of it, allowing it to smell her.

“See, I’m not going to hurt you. I see that you’re hurt. Can I pick you up?”

She didn’t think it had teeth, or at least teeth that were going to hurt her, but she didn’t want to take a chance. She certainly didn’t want it to bite her.

The animal smelled her fingers before running its head against her hand. She smiled, feeling its soft fur between her fingers. She pulled a hand around, picking it up off the ground. She pulled it closer to her, and it rested against her chest.

She felt relieved as she looked down at its leg. It had a cut, not so deep that it was going to need stitches but enough to where she imagined it hurt to walk on it.

She turned, and Deimos was walking toward them. He raised an eyebrow at her. “How in the world did you even see that? Much less in a moving vehicle.”

She smiled, proud of herself. “I have great eyesight,” she said, patting its fur. “It’s hurt. We can’t just leave it here. Some other animal might come along and eat it.”

He sighed, nodding. “Probably. That’s a sarva. It’s what you guys see as a rabbit. It’s pretty much the same, but it has sharper teeth.”

She looked down at it, happy that she didn’t just grab it. She didn’t think it would have felt good to be bitten.

“We have to take it back with us. It can’t stay out here. Something is going to hurt it.” While she didn’t know if there were larger predators, she figured there were. And she didn’t want to have this on her conscience. She would feel better if she took it back with them.

She watched Deimos nod. “All right, we can take it back with us. I think I have a blanket in the vehicle that you can wrap it in. Is it just the leg?”

She looked at it, seeing it was just the one appendage. She hoped there were no broken bones. She didn’t think the animal would be so quiet if it had any other injuries.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s just the leg. I can tell once we get it cleaned up. Might have a pulled muscle or something.” They turned, walking back to their vehicle. She watched others fly by, looking irritated with them, but she didn’t care. She was saving an animal’s life.

I wonder how it got hurt in the first place. Was it someone’s pet? Was it just a wild animal that was running for its life? Or did it get caught in the fence and yank itself free?

Deimos flew a little slower as they headed back. She held the animal close, being sure to be careful of its wound.

She wiped at its ears, and it looked at her with wide, hopeful eyes. The animal seemed to be happy and grateful for the helping hand.

When they arrived at the ranch, she headed into the bathroom. She grabbed a towel along the way, and Deimos was a step behind her. She placed the critter on the counter and turned the water on. It jumped, and she quickly patted its head.

“I know, it’s okay. We just have to clean that wound, and then you can rest up. I’m not trying to hurt you.”

She started to gently wipe the wound down and had Deimos grab some wrap that he kept in the kitchen. She’d seen it when she first arrived.

He returned with the wrap, and after she cleaned the animal, she wrapped him in the towel. She rubbed at his fur, trying to get him as dry as she could.

“You know, you’re great with animals,” Deimos said with a chuckle.

“Well, it’s kind of part of being a veterinary technician,” she said, giving him a smile.

He handed her the wrap, and she started to wrap it after putting a little ointment onto the wound. She smiled as the critter looked at her, seeming pleased.

“See, all better. It was like it never happened.”

She placed the animal down, and it sniffed around, walking around the bathroom. Deimos opened the door, and it took off down the hallway. They both started to laugh.

They watched it race around the house, taking in everything it had to offer. Deimos grabbed a bowl, filled it with water, and set it down. The sarva drank a little water and leaned back, looking around the living room.

She felt like she could finally take a breath as she watched it relax. The animal was okay, and she felt she had saved it from something that could have been terrible.

Deimos laughed at the critter. “He’s got a lot of energy.”

“It sure does.” She laughed, seating herself on the couch.

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