Page 13 of Vegas Vows

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The bathroom door opens and Alexander stalks out wearing nothing but a towel. Guess he forgot his clothes, too.

Water drops cling to his tan skin and my mouth starts to water at the sight. My eyes trail a drop as it rolls down his body and dips below the towel that hangs precariously around his hips.

I knew that Alexander was in good shape, but I didn’t realize he was so ripped or had quite so many muscles. My eyes are locked on his abs and I keep trying to count them all but he’s moving too fast.

Maybe I could ask him to stand still? Wait…what are you doing? He’s your BOSS!

He grabs clothes from his suitcase and storms back into the bathroom before I can turn away or say anything.

I head into the living room, needing the space between us. I pour myself another cup of coffee and gulp it down, but it doesn’t help quench the lust that is raging inside of me.

“I am never drinking again,” I mumble.

“Me either,” Alexander says as he joins me in the living room.

It’s hard for me to look at him without blushing, so I head back into the bedroom and scoop up my purse. Alexander must have put everything back in it for me.

I close my eyes, trying to get my hormones under control before I face him again.

I mean, sure, I’ve always thought that Alexander was attractive, but he’s my boss and can be such a grump. I had a crush on him when I first started working for him, but then that changed and we settled into a working relationship. We were boss and employee. Maybe friends, but it would depend on who you asked.

It’s just because of last night and how close we’ve been since we had to share a room. That’s it. You do not have a thing for your boss. You will not sleep with Alexander. You are not about to fall in love with Alexander.

I finish up my mental pep talk and join him in the living room.

He’s waiting by the hotel room door, impatiently tapping his foot and as I take him in, I know that I’m screwed.

I buried these feelings that I had for him when it became obvious we would never be anything more than employee and boss. Now they’re all coming back.

What if it was me who convinced him to get married? Oh God. I’m going to have to quit. It will take me forever to find a new job, especially one that pays as well as this one.

“Are you coming?” Alexander asks as he pulls the door open and I nod, my fingers gripping my purse strap tighter so that I don’t reach for him as I head out into the hallway.



Eden keeps running into people.

She hissed and cursed for a solid minute when we first stepped outside and I had to rip her purse away from her, dig around the mess inside until I found her sunglasses, and shove them onto her face. She mumbled her thanks, but I had ignored it and just grabbed her elbow, slowly dragging her over to the sidewalk.

She had pulled away from me, but she’s not looking up at where she’s going, so she keeps bumping into everyone. I’ve wanted to reach over and grab her about a dozen times now, but then an image of her wrapped in nothing but that damn towel flashes behind my eyes and I dig my fingers into my palm instead.

I had been so surprised to see her dripping wet in her bath towel that I walked right into the wall. When she tried to help me, I had to run. I didnotwant to explain my erection to her, or—and this is what I’m sure would have actually happened—grab her, throw her down on the bed, and rip that freaking towel off of her.

She’s your assistant. The best assistant you’ve ever had. Do. Not. Fuck. This. Up.

I glare behind my sunglasses.

“We should have taken the car,” Eden mumbles and part of me agrees with her, but I’m a little afraid to be in a confined space with her.

We’d have privacy in the back of the car. I could spread her out on the backseat and kiss her senseless. Maybe strip that loose top off of her and suck on her full tits.

Not helping!

I shake off my fantasies and try to ignore Eden, but she bumps into another tourist and I can’t take it anymore.

I reach over and grab her elbow, jerking her closer to me.
