Page 14 of Vegas Vows

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“Watch where you’re going, dear,” I say tensely.

Eden grumbles but leans into me, letting me steer her down the crowded sidewalk.

Part of me isn’t surprised that I got drunk and married Eden last night. I’ve been holding back my attraction to her since she first started working for me. It’s been getting harder and harder to hide it, too. It was bound to come out sooner or later. I just didn’t think it would be over Valentine’s Day in Las Freaking Vegas.

I wonder if she hates me. I’m sure that the marriage idea last night was mine. Eden has never done anything to even hint that she’s interested in me like that.

Every girl wants to have their dream wedding, right? I highly doubt that Eden’s dream was for her and the groom to be blackout drunk with no family or friends present, or for neither of them to remember the actual wedding ceremony.

We sluggishly make our way down the sidewalk, looking for anything that looks familiar from last night.

I spot a chapel sign and while it doesn’t look familiar, it’s close by the nightclub that we were apparently at last night around two am.

“Do you recognize that?” I ask, pointing to the sign, and I see Eden squinting behind her glasses.

“No, but I don’t recognize anything on this street.”

I steer us into the little chapel, wincing when I see how rundown it is.

God, I really hope we didn’t get married here last night.

There’s a tired looking girl behind the front counter and she blinks at us, giving us a once over before she smirks.

“Looking to get married?” she asks and I nod before I catch myself.

“We got married last night but we weren’t sure where. Do we look familiar to you?” I ask her and she looks at us again.

“No, and I didn’t see either of you in any of the photos I developed this morning. Sorry, but I don’t think you got married here.”

Thank God.

“Thanks,” Eden says, lurching her way back to the front door.

I follow her, pulling her back into my side where she fits perfectly.

“What do you remember about last night?” she asks me.


“You’re hilarious,” she deadpans and I crack a smile.

“I remember drinking, having dinner, some parts of the show, and then leaving the Luxor. Everything after is just a blur.”

She nods against my side.

“I think I remember a casino… or maybe it was a dance club? Or both?”

She scrunches up her nose, trying to remember and the sound of slot machines rings in my head. I can remember flashing lights, but she’s right, that could have been the strip, a casino, or a dance club. Flashing lights and loud sounds could be literally anything in Las Vegas.

“What were the receipts for again?”

“Ben and Jerry’s inside the Hard Rock Casino and drinks at some place called Oak or Pine or something.”

I see the giant guitar of the Hard Rock Casino up ahead and start to look around. I don’t see any chapels, so we continue to navigate down the sidewalk.

A building labeled 1OAK comes up ahead on the sidewalk and that’s when I spot it.

A tiny chapel on the other side of the street called Cupid’s Wedding Chapel.
