Page 3 of Vegas Vows

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He looks tired, his brown hair is in messy disarray over his forehead and I know without seeing them that his piercing blue eyes are hard with displeasure.

I wonder what he’s looking at that has him upset this time.

A straight nose leads down to full lips. I used to think that it wasn’t fair for a guy to have lips like that but they fit him.

I also used to dream about what they would feel like against mine or against my body, but I don’t think about that anymore. Well, barely. I barely think about Alexander’s lips or his hard body, or those big strong hands of his.

He’s tall and lean, but it’s not his looks that drive most woman wild.

It’s the power that radiates off of him in waves.

Alexander is a man who knows what he wants and goes after it with a single-minded determination. Most woman can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have all of that intensity aimed at just them.

I bet he’s great in bed.

I start, trying to scrub that thought from my brain. He’s my boss. I can’t be lusting after him.

I pull my eyes away from Alexander before he can catch me watching him and take the time to look around the lobby. The Bellagio is huge with sky-high ceilings. Everything is gold and white and I can just make out the constant sound of the slot machines from where the casino section of the hotel must be, just down the hall.

“It seems we had a problem with your reservation,” Cheryl, the girl checking us in says and I can feel Alexander tense next to me.

I roll my eyes at him. He can get so stressed over the tiniest of things.

“What kind of problem?” I ask her, trying to push Alexander back from the front counter.

“The suites that you had originally booked seem to have been taken and I’m afraid that the rest of the rooms are booked. We do have one suite left, though. Our honeymoon suite,” she says with a bright smile and Alexander and I both freeze and stare at her like she’s insane.

“We’re not together.” I tell her, not wanting her to hit on him but also knowing that sharing a room with him would be a terrible idea. I bite my lip, trying to think of a different option. “Don’t you have anything else?”

“Unfortunately, no. There are several conferences and trade shows in town this weekend, not to mention plenty of happy couples, so a lot of hotels are booked up.”

I want to tell her I already knew that. I had tried to make our original reservation at the Waldorf Astoria but they were full. It had been fun breaking that news to Alexander. He had finally calmed down when I told him we could be right down the road at the Bellagio in two suites.

“We’ll take it,” I say, cutting off Alexander before he can start snarling at the girl.

“Perfect!” Cheryl says as Alexander growls behind me.

“We’ll what?” he demands, sounding outraged.

“It’s the only thing available. Would you rather sleep in the car?” I ask him over my shoulder.

“No,” he mumbles sullenly and I smile at Cheryl.

It takes me a few more minutes to fill out the paperwork and then we have the keys in our hands and are headed for the elevators.

Alexander walks like a man on a mission, dragging our suitcases behind him. I can’t even remember when he took my suitcase back from me but I’m not going to complain now. I can tell that he’s worked up so I take my time trailing after him, giving him some room to calm down.

We head down a hallway and over to the elevators, but there’s a large group waiting there to go upstairs to their rooms.

“Let’s go check out the casino! Maybe I can hit it big and quit tonight,” I say excitedly and I try not to laugh as Alexander gives me a dirty side look.

“You don’t want to play some slots with me?” I try again and he sighs.

“No. They’re a waste of time and money.”

“I’m so glad that I came to Las Vegas for the first time with you. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun,” I deadpan.

“We’re here to work.”
