Page 9 of Vegas Vows

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He’s always been a little overprotective of me, but I think that was just because I had just moved to New York from a small town when we first met, and I was a little naïve about the big city sometimes.

Still, he had been so adamant about leaving Las Vegas as soon as possible and about not taking in the sights or going to a show tonight, and he just flipped that around and changed his mind.

He was probably just worried that I might do or say something on a date with Logan to embarrass him and the company. Or maybe he’s just as lonely as I am sometimes and changed his mind about tonight.

We leave a few minutes later and as we ride downstairs in the elevator, I step closer to Alexander, leaning into his side so I can whisper in his ear.

“You know that I’m going to actually make you take me to a show tonight, right?”

“Yeah, I know,” he says, looking and sounding like he’s going to his own execution.



Eden talks all throughout dinner,barely stopping to eat her food. She ordered another burger, but I snuck in a salad before the meal. She used half of my dressing and her own on it, but at least she ate it.

I ordered a whiskey with dinner and I think Eden thought I was celebrating, but really, I just know that I’m going to need to be drunk to make it through this show that she’s dragging me to.

I had hopes that everything would be sold out, but she managed to find two tickets to The Blue Man Group tonight. We snagged the last two seats and I’m dreading being crammed into a theater with everyone for a few hours. I guess it could be worse. I could be stuck sitting through Celine Dion or something.

Eden has a margarita with dinner and she seems tipsy before she’s even finished the whole thing. She doesn’t drink often, and I don’t either for that matter, but it’s obvious that she must be a lightweight.

I hold her elbow as we walk down the sidewalk to the Luxor Hotel where the show is being held. Eden is giggling and leaning into me more and more and I can’t help but laugh at how adorable she’s being.

We get inside the Luxor and Eden spends five minutes staring up at the ceiling where the lights shoots out of the point of the pyramid. I finally pull her away and we grab our tickets from the will call counter and head into the theater to find our seats.

There’s a bar outside the theater and as soon as I see the intoxicated couple we’re seated next to I turn and make my way back to the bar.

“What are you doing?” Eden asks as I drag her with me.

“I’m going to need to be drunk for this,” I say as I step up to order.

“Ohh, good idea,” she says, her cheeks flushed as she stares up at the menu.

I’m not sure that she needs another drink, but I’m not going to tell her that. She orders something fruity and I order another whiskey, asking them to make it a double.

We head back inside and take our seats just as the lights dim and the show starts. I leave every half an hour or so to grab another whiskey and by the time the show is done, I know that I’m drunk.

Maybe that’s why the show didn’t seem so bad.

Eden leaned into my side the entire time, laughing her way through the show. Her laughter had made me crack up half the time and by the time we stumble out of the theater, I’m feeling a lot better about Las Vegas.

After we walk out of the Luxor Hotel, I remember turning our driver away. Eden wants to walk in an effort to clear her head and that seems like a good idea. We cling to each other, swaying our way down the street.

After leaving the Luxor, things get hazy.

I remember bright lights and loud noises. I think Eden talked me into going into a casino and a nightclub, but it’s all a blur.

I’m not sure how we even made it back to the hotel, but we wake up the next morning sprawled out across the king size bed, our clothes from last night still on and rumpled.

Eden is moaning next to me and she reaches out, stealing the pillow from under my head and holding it over her face.

“Turn off the lights,” she rasps out.

“That’s the sun,” I inform her, sounding like I’ve been dragged through the gutter.

I steal my pillow back and Eden grabs my arm, pulling it over her eyes instead.
