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I wasn’t really feeling anything except calm and a bit confused, so I had to assume the emotions belonged to the man I was staring at.

“Are you going to tell me why your neck looks like that, and I can feel what you’re feeling?” I asked him, my voice soft.

He gave his glass a bit of a roll, and my gaze slid down to the liquid moving slightly around it.

A long, quiet moment passed, and I could feel his emotions warring. He finally said, “Sex seals true mate bonds for night fae.”


I supposed I should’ve expected something like that. Fated mates were a much bigger deal in the Night Court—but sex was a much smaller one.

“You’re not angry at me.” There was hesitation in his voice, but only a little.

“No. I would’ve done the same thing if I’d known. I…” I stopped myself, not ready to tell him that I was dying.

Thatwewere dying.

We’d had sex, but it was only a physical connection. The trust I would need in order to confide in him wasn’t there.

My stomach growled, and he gestured toward the nightstand with his glass of alcohol. I turned my head, and my eyebrows lifted when I found a bowl of what looked like soup sitting beside me. “You cooked?”

He dipped his head in a nod.


Maybe the dark king was the full package.

I made my way up to a sitting position. Though I was still naked, I didn’t really care. He had seen and touched pretty much every inch of me already.

As I picked up the bowl of soup, he lifted the glass of alcohol to his lips and slowly drained it. My gaze dipped to his lower half, and my body heated when I saw that he was hard, now.

And fuck, he was gorgeous. Just as big as I’d thought when I’d felt him inside me, and he clearly knew how to use every fucking inch.

I forced myself to focus on the food on my lap. It was only lukewarm, but hot or cold foods tended to make me vomit, so I appreciated the temperature.

As I ate, I took a mental survey of my body and magic. It certainly felt… different. My body was stronger, for one, but the magic felt odd. I’d had dark magic within me long enough to know it perfectly, and the new power sustaining me didn’t feel dark.

“What type is your secondary magic?” I asked him, as I ate.

He didn’t reply to me, just continued studying me, holding that damn empty glass.

I shouldn’t have expected an answer; he hadn’t even told me his damned name.

Considering he knew lunar fae ceremonies and traditions, I assumed it was probably lunar magic. But as far as I knew, most lunar fae didn’t possess any magic at all. At its strongest, their power was that of the mind, and could be used to touch memories and influence emotions. Because of the strength of it, it was rare for any of them to possess enough to actually use the power, which was part of the reason their people had been wiped out and scattered so easily.

There was no way the king actually possessed a significant amount of lunar and dark magic, was there?

But if he did…

Well, then fuck.

He could’ve used that damn power on me.

“Did you use lunar magic to make me trust you?” I demanded, feeling old wounds and fears open back up.

What if he had used me?
