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His gaze darkened. “It’s been years since I had a woman in my bed. My illusions may keep me alive, but they also do a damned good job at scaring away any woman who might be interested in me.” He focused back on his food, grabbing a few ingredients and stirring a pot near the back of the stove that I hadn’t even noticed him set up. “I’m sorry I’m overwhelming you. I’ll attempt to control myself better.”

Wait, what?

Obviously, there had been a miscommunication.

I slid off the countertop.

“Forget the food for a minute,” I told him, reaching around him to turn off the stove.

He growled at me, but didn’t argue as I pushed the pan back, away from the source of the small flame that I’d just shut off.

When I tried to step between him and the oven, he turned around and walked me backward until my ass met another set of cabinets. He eased me up on top of the countertop, so our eyes were level.

“What I said came out wrong. I’m sorry. Your reputation isn’t very good, so I assumed you had a new woman in your bed every night, without a care as to how she may or may not feel about it. I’ve seen a lot of your memories though, so I know that’s not true—it just didn’t occur to me in the moment. I’m sorry.” I repeated my apology, grabbing his hand from behind and sliding my fingers between his. He was silent as I lifted his hand to my lips and pressed a kiss to the center of his palm, reminding him that I’d claimed him.

That he was mine, and I was his.

His expression softened slightly, but not completely.

I remembered the last part of his apology; he thought I was overwhelmed.

“I don’t want you to try to control yourself more. Don’t you remember me telling you to stop holding back a few minutes ago?” I gestured toward the stove. “I’m glad that you’re horny. Most newly-mated fae in my homeland seclude themselves in their home for at least a few days after their ceremony so they can get to know each other physically. You and I haven’t had that, and it shows for both of us. I want you just as much as you want me. Hell; maybe I want you more.”

He scoffed. “As if that were possible.”

“I’m not kidding. Look into my mind if you don’t believe me.”

He hesitated for a moment.

Given his past, I didn’t blame him at all for not taking my word for it.

His hand lifted to cup my cheek, and I tilted my forehead down to meet his as he closed his eyes and slipped into my mind. Though I could feel his intrusion as he did so, it wasn’t painful or uncomfortable in the slightest.

A moment later, he withdrew from my mind. The moment his magic was freed from me, his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was brutal, in the very best way. He was sliding inside me in heartbeat, and I gasped as he filled me.

Fuck, he was perfect.

“You are everything,” he growled at me. “Everything, Lemay.”

He thrust in and out slowly, hitting every fucking pleasure point I had as he did so.

It took a little longer that time, but soon enough, we’d both found our pleasure, and he’d soaked my lower belly again.

Eventually,we made it back to the food we’d left on the stove. Laith was more playful the second time around; I supposed I’d worked him hard enough to exhaust his self-doubt.

We teased each other as he attempted to save the burnt food, and I enjoyed the meal even though it was far from perfect. That probably had something to do with the way our legs were tangled together, though, and the fact that the most attractive man in the world was absolutely naked while sitting beside me.

The subpar food turned into an above-par love making session, right on the damned table, too, which redeemed it.

I convincedLaith to spend a few more days in his castle with me (in the nude) before he finally refused to take no for an answer and insisted we go and find his brothers. I felt fine, for the most part, but my king and I could both feel my power waning again already.

The call of the elements was far too fierce to be ignored.

“Put the underwear on, Lemay, or I leave you here,” my king warned, leaning against the wall of the closet.

I scowled at him. “You know how I feel about underwear.”

“It should be built into the clothing, yes.” He leaned over and pulled one of the undergarments off of a hanger. “But you know how I feel about my brothers seeing those perfect breasts.”
