Page 49 of The Demon

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Intimacy is not something I’ve ever wanted until now, but having experienced it with Eliza, I’m not letting it go anytime soon. There is so much to explore—together and as soon as this shit is over, I will marry my queen and we will begin a journey of personal fulfillment—together.

But first I must set my mind to business and so as I wrap Eliza in a heated towel, I kiss the top of her head and murmur, “I must go to work.”

“What now?” She sounds disappointed and I smile, loving the feeling of her silky hair running through my fingers.

“You can find your own way to the kitchen, where breakfast may still be laid out. I must head to my den and begin my search for this Mafia King.”

I’m surprised when she pulls back and appears anxious.

“I almost forgot.”

“What?” I’m quick to ask because she seems concerned and whispers, “What if he followed us here?”

“What do you mean?”

She pulls me close. “What if he wanted you to find me all along? He could have been watching the entire time and following our movements. Perhaps his intention was always about discovering where Club Mafia is?”

Her words curl around my heart like an icy glove because this is something that I never considered and, pulling back, I say dismissively, “Then unless he plans on bringing Frankie home, he would be well advised to stay away.”

I can tell she’s anxious and I say gently, “Go and eat. I’ll arrange for food to be delivered to my den, so don’t worry about me. I’ll be working all day and most of the night because time is against us. My priority now is finding Frankie. I’m sure you understand that.”

She nods, but I can tell she’s hating it and without another glance in her direction, I head off to my closet to dress and carry on with my day.

* * *

By mid-morning,I am nowhere. I’ve scrutinized my father’s folders and aside from the usual shit I find, there is no mention of anyone in connection with the Mafia King. Not even a name that I don’t already know the history of, and even the recent searches merely take me down a path I’ve already traveled on my own. There is absolutely nothing here to lead me anywhere, and I am so frustrated I could kill someone.

At around midday, a loud knock on my door causes me to tell them to enter and The Boss heads inside, looking as if he hasn’t slept for days. I understand how difficult this situation is for him because it was Angelo who burned Massimo’s mansion to the ground, never knowing his nephew was inside at the time.

“Any luck?” He takes the seat opposite me, and I shake my head. “Nothing at all.”

He nods, and I recognize the bitterness in his eyes. We like to be in control and engineered our way from our hated lives with all the cunning of a war general, and yet now we can’t even find a small child and it’s tearing us up.

“Alessandro spoke to Don Majerio earlier.”


He shakes his head. “He said what we all believed, that Giovanni was the Mafia King, or so he liked to brag about.”

I sigh heavily and Angelo taps his foot, telling me there’s something on his mind and I say blankly, “What?”

“Have you seen the news?”


I’ve been too busy to worry about the outside world, and Angelo says with a sigh.

“You’ve been listed as missing, presumed dead. Eliza too.”

“What are they saying?” I’m mildly interested and Angelo shrugs.

“The usual shit about a leaking fuel tank, but the news on the street is it’s the work of a rival family.”

“Makes sense, I guess. I mean, two powerful crime bosses on one yacht could clear the way for another family to step up and take it all. Who are they saying it was?”

“There are no names, but as you can imagine, the rumors are rife. Some say it’s the Romanos, others Tobias Moretti and there are even tales of Massimo ordering the hit himself and that he has recovered and is set on revenge. Other reports are saying it was a hit placed by Giovanni’s widow and some say his sons. Then there are those who believe it was the Sheik of Dubai himself, but no mention of a Mafia King.”

“Do you think he exists?” I’ve asked myself this a thousand times and Angelo nods thoughtfully. “It’s possible somebody has designs on taking over where Massimo left off. We live in a dark world, my friend, and there are many corners and shadows that have yet to see the light.”
