Page 59 of The Demon

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As we celebrate the end of a war and look forward to our kind of fucked up peace, we all breathe a collective sigh of relief.

It’s over.



Ican’t tear my eyes away from my son. As I stroke his soft hair and gaze at him sleeping in his cot, I can’t believe our ordeal is finally over.

“He’s beautiful.” I whisper, and Alessandro’s arm slides around my waist and pulls me to his side as we stare at Frankie in disbelief.

“He is perfect.” He replies, the emotion thick in his voice as he adds, “Any son of yours would be, baby, because there is nobody more perfect than you.”

I turn and stare into the eyes of the man I love with my whole heart as we share precious time that I never really expected to happen.

Reaching up, I lay the palm of my hand flat against his face and whisper, “We have come a long way to reach this moment.”

His own hand closes against mine and his dark eyes glitter as he whispers, “It’s our future that counts now. The past has left many scars, but they will heal and soon fade. The memories we will make in our present and future will drive the horrors of our past away.”

He dips his head and claims my lips in a long and luxurious kiss and the only sound in the room is the gentle breathing of our son as he sleeps, never knowing how close we all came to being apart forever.

I pull back and smile. “I don’t want this perfect moment to end.”

Alessandro growls. “Then it’s up to us to guard against that.”

“What happens now?”

“We carry on.”

“In Sicily?”

Alessandro nods and turns to gaze upon our son and says huskily. “Frankie’s life will be very different to ours. He will know our love more than fear. There will be laughter surrounding him and precious memories, and I’ll never expect him to follow me in the family business. He will have his own dreams and whatever they are, I will support him all the way. Whatever he chooses to do with his life, I will not interfere.”

My heart is so full of love for my family, and I nod, my hand clasping his as we stand gazing with adoration at the son we thought was lost forever.


My voice is soft, but my heart is strong and as I turn to stare upon a face I will never grow tired of waking up beside, I smile. “Maybe we should give Frankie someone to play with. A brother perhaps?”

Alessandro’s eyes glitter with desire and my breath hitches as it always does when this powerful man looks my way. To be honest, it is no different from the very first time I met him outside the principal’s office at Rockwell Academy.

It’s as if we are back there. Before any of this began. Two students who were ready to take on the world that was cruelly snatched from them before it even got started.

For the first time in my life, I am free. I never expected it to be so amazing and it’s as if a dark cloud has lifted and my chains have broken. I have it all. Everything I ever wished for and casting my mind back to the horrors of my past, I pack them carefully away and seal the box forever and that’s where they will always remain. Life is good now and forever, all the time I walk with Alessandro by my side.

He shifts a little closer and tips my face to his, and his husky whisper hits me straight in the heart.

“I love you, Winter. That is undisputable and making babies with you will always be a pleasure.”

He pulls me close and lifts me high in the air and as my arms wrap around his neck and we share a kiss, I know that nothing can ever come between us. Even when Don Majerio dies and the title falls to Alessandro, we will face our fucked-up life together. With Club Mafia behind us, we can’t fail because we are a family and that means more than anything and it always will.



We head home and I will never forget how I felt when I saw Winter and Alessandro reunited with their child. Even for a hard bastard like me, it was a tender moment and unusually I had a lump in my throat.

I was grateful for Lauren’s support on the journey and at the house because it was touch and go if they would accept my part in this.
