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Anyway, let’s talk about you and not that linebacker-looking thorn in my side. You’re sick? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

“Iwasin bed,” Ben pointed out.

“Hm. About that…”

“Ma’am, I have no idea what is going on. My apartment is messed up and I should probably find a new place, but I don’t make a lot and it’s hard to find places. I thought I could maybe stay here a few days and see if I can find someone renting out a room. And I need to get back to work but Simon said I wouldn’t lose my job because he owns the building so he won’t let them fire me.” Ben shook his head. “It’s all very strange and doesn’t sound any better spoken out loud.”

“Hmph. You work at the Prince building, honey?”

Ben nodded. “Yes, ma’am. I’m on the janitorial staff. But Candida—my supervisor—doesn’t like me, so—"

“Not like a sweet boy like you? I don’t understand it.”

Neither did Ben, particularly. He’d never done anything he was aware of to anger her. “Me, either. I’ve tried to get on her good side but nothing works.”

“Humph,” Roberta said. “Some people are just assholes, pardon my language. You go on, honey, and finish what you were saying.”

“Um, okay. So, yeah, Candida usually puts me on mopping or I get outdoor duty, especially when the weather is bad. I think she’s hoping I'll quit. Not that I can afford to. But I still have my job, so that should be fine. Probably.”

It all sounded so outlandish to Ben as he talked it over with the housekeeper that he began to doubt the entire situation.

The housekeeper grunted again, looking as skeptical as Ben felt. “None of that explains why you were in Mr. Prince’s bedroom. On his bed.”

Ben felt himself flush. She was completely right. He shrugged. “I’m not even sure, honestly. Simon and I watched a movie, and I thought he was flirting with me—”

“Mr. Prince?Flirting?You sure we’re talking about the same man?”

“Does he have a brother?”

The housekeeper let out a crack of laughter. “No, he does not. He’s one of a kind, that one. But not the type to pick up young boys off the street and bring them home.”

Ben’s face went from flushed to completely on fire. “First of all, I’m almost thirty, and also it’s not what you think. I mean at least I think it’s not. I’m pretty sure Simon just felt sorry for me. And I’m probably wrong about the flirting. I get that kind of thing wrong a lot. I take it Simon isn’t gay? Because I usually can tell, but…”

“I… I don’t rightly know either,” the housekeeper said. She turned away from whatever she was cooking and looked at Ben. “I never gave it much thought. He’s never had what you’d call an active private life, if you know what I mean.”

Ben was intrigued, but also relieved. “So I’m the first person he’s nicely but forcibly brought home to live with him?”

Not-Bobbi stared at him for several seconds before breaking out into peals of laughter. “Yeah, baby. I think it’s safe to say you are the first. When he has brought someone home, she’s always been top of the society food chain and also, well, a woman. You are definitely a first.”

That made him feel both good and oddly disappointed. “I take it I’m nowhere near his type. Not that I was planning ondatingSimon. I mean, I’mme.He’s like some sort of millionaire. And straight.”

“Older than you, too,” the housekeeper observed. “But as for his type, well, I don’t know about that. I’m not sure that boy knows anything about that.”

Hearing Simon being called a boy made Ben want to giggle. “It doesn’t matter, anyway,” Ben said. “I’m just here until I can find another place. It’s not like I’m some princess he found in a tower or anything.”

“No,” she agreed. “I suppose not.”

They heard someone coming down the steps and their gazes swiveled that way. Ben wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed when it turned out to be Hudson. Whose name wasn’t really Hudson, but Ben wasn’t sure he’d be able to think of the man as any other name. It did seem to suit him so well.

“The boss wants his dinner sent to his study. He’s not coming down tonight.” He gazed meaningfully at Ben, who felt terrible.

“Oh, no, he doesn’t need to do that,” Ben said quickly. “I can go back to my room. He shouldn’t have to hide in his own house.”

The housekeeper snorted. “Don’t know why he should stop now. He’s been doing it his whole life. You know I said him retiring early was a mistake. His entire life has been that business and the very week he retires he goes and gets all screwy on us.”

Hudson shook his head. “I don’t know. I think getting screwy could be good for him. He could use a change of pace. Seems to me the boss don’t know what he wants.”

“You eating down here?” she asked, directing her question to Hudson.
