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Ben held Simon’s hand all the way back to the car. Simon was sure Hudson noticed, but he didn’t say a word. Once they were in the back of the car, Ben reached out and took Simon’s hand, but instead of holding it, he peeled off Simon’s glove, then removed his own. Then he clasped Simon’s hand and they were skin to skin. It felt electric to Simon. He desperately wanted to touch more of Ben. He had to expend enormous amounts of self-control to sit still, his bare hand the only part of him touching Ben.

After Hudson dropped them off at the front door, they went inside to take off their outerwear and boots. They followed a wonderful smell through the living room and dining room and into the kitchen.

“Hudson told me you wouldn’t need dinner tonight, so I thought I’d do some baking. There’s an apple pie in the oven about ready to come out. If you come back in about an hour, you can each have a piece.” She then winked at Simon, startling the hell out of him. Was she trying to play matchmaker, too?

Ben licked his lips and Simon wondered if he was thinking of their kiss. “We could go upstairs and uh…”

“Look at your sketches?” Simon asked, no matter how ridiculous that sounded.

“Yes,” Ben agreed brightly. “That. Let’s do that.” He tugged on Simon’s hand, pulling him to the elevator. “I think,” he said, “I’ve walked enough tonight. All those stairs would kill me.”

“We can’t have that,” Simon murmured, opening the door to the elevator.

As they went up, Ben periodically squeezed Simon’s hand as if he had a surfeit of excitement that bubbled out of him, demanding to be set free. As the elevator reached the top floor, Ben darted over, rose up on his toes, and gave Simon a swift kiss on his cheek. Simon turned his head and their lips met. Again, it was pure sorcery, making Simon feel as if he was capable of doing absolutely anything. They might have stayed there all night if the elevator hadn’t buzzed at them, wanting them to leave and close the door behind them.

“Bossy machine,” Simon muttered.

“But useful. If I’d have climbed all those stairs, I’d be completely out of breath.”

“That would be a terrible shame,” Simon said.

“I suppose we could have waited for me to catch my breath on the second floor,” Ben said with an adorable smirk. “Although you’d probably just take it away again.”

“Would I?”

Ben nodded. “Definitely. I hope you’re about to do it again.” Ben backed against the hallway wall, pulling Simon along with him. He looped his arms around Simon’s neck and drew him down. “You’re really good at it.”

“I am?” Simon murmured against Ben’s lips. No one had ever told him he took their breath away. It should sound like a tired cliché but it resonated within Simon. “No one’s ever said that to me before.”

“Then people are stupid. Or the people you kissed were stupid.”

“I think,” Simon said, “I wasn’t kissing the right people.”

Ben brushed a kiss along Simon’s jaw. “They weren’t me.”

“Exactly.” Simon kissed Ben over and over, pushing him into the wall and grinding his hips against Ben’s. There was a hardness there, under all those layers of fabric, that had to be Ben’s erection. He had made Ben hard. Just by kissing him. Simon marveled at that. It was both crazy and absolutely wonderful.

Ben moaned under Simon’s lips. He ran his hands up and down Simon’s ribs, then down over his hips. Then he reached between them and molded his hand against Simon’s cock, which was as interested in Ben as Ben seemed to be in him.

“Shit,” Simon said, caught off-guard. Nothing had ever felt this intense before in his entire life.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you swear,” Ben said, smirking.

“I forgot myself,” Simon said, knowing it was not a good excuse, even if it was completely true.

“Come on. I want you to forget yourself some more. Although I’m going to have to clean off the bed.”

Focused solely on the word “bed,” Simon let Ben tug him toward the bedroom at the end of the hall. His cleaning staff had cleared away all the wrapping and the boxes, leaving the room pristine.

“Oh,” Ben said. “Do you have elves working here or something?” He laughed. “I know that’s stupid. Unless I’m an elf, too. But the people working for you are impressive. I hope you pay them well.”

“Very well,” Simon agreed.

“Good,” Ben said.

They stood there, looking at each other. Eventually, Simon broke down and confessed, “Ben, I have no idea at all what I’m doing.”

A slow smile spread across Ben’s face. “That’s okay. I’ll help you figure it out.” He reached up to unbutton Simon’s shirt then slip it down his shoulders. “Damn,” he said so quietly Simon only barely heard him.
