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“My hair is due for a trim,” Simon said, although for the life of him Ben couldn’t tell. Simon’s hair looked perfect to him. “Why don’t you come with me and maybe they can squeeze you in.”

“Oh, I don’t—”

“Please don’t shave your hair,” Simon begged. “I’d be heartbroken.”

Ben rolled his eyes but gave in. It was just a haircut and not that big a deal. “Okay, Simon. Let’s go get my hair cut. I’d hate to break your heart over my hair length.”

Tuesday, December 19

An expensive tailor’s shop

River North

“Choi Bespoke Tailoring?” Ben asked. “I’m guessing you don’t get your haircuts here.”

Simon got out of the car, then offered his hand to Ben. “No. I thought we’d stop here first. I have a suit to pick up and it’s on the way to the salon.”

“Oh. Okay.” That sounded reasonable, but there was a twinkle in Simon’s eye that made Ben doubt the simple explanation. Simon looked like he was poorly containing a secret.

Hudson drove away to wherever he went when Simon was shopping. Simon, meanwhile, headed for the small storefront. Ben followed in his wake. A middle-aged Korean woman sat at an antique desk placed by the entrance. To one side of her was a room that looked more like Simon’s closet than it did an actual store. The other side of the shop was discreetly curtained off with black velvet drapes.

The lady behind the desk smiled. “Mr. Prince. It’s good to see you. Let me tell Jae you’re here and he’ll bring out the suit for a final fitting.” She pulled back the black velvet curtain and motioned them to step beyond it. The space was stark and sleek with a low couch to sit on, a small platform, and several mirrors.

An older Korean man, presumably Jae, entered with a dark suit draped over his arm. He handed it to Simon, who took it and went behind a privacy screen to try it on.

Jae gazed at Ben but spoke to Simon. “Who is your young friend here?”

“His name is Ben, and he’s staying with me for a time.”

“Hmm.” Jae contemplated Ben closely, then called out in a loud voice, “U-jin!”

A much younger man entered the room. “It’s Eugene,” he said, “and that’s bad enough without going all U-jin on me.”

“It was your grandfather’s name. Show some respect.”

“Yes, father,” he asked meekly, but Ben could tell his heart wasn’t in it.

Jae snapped his fingers. “Start measuring this young man. It’s not going to do itself.”

Ben was concerned that a fight might break out between father and son but Jae didn’t say anything more and Eugene looked unconcerned. Ben relaxed until Eugene put his hands on Ben’s shoulders.

He jumped, surprised.

“Just seeing what kind of shoulders I’ll be dealing with,” Eugene murmured. “Not bad. But with the right tailoring, they’ll be even better. I can make your legs look longer, as well.” He made a face. “Not that I’m saying you’re short…” He took a step back from Ben, looking him up and down. “You’re slim and compact.”

“I’m not sure that’s better,” Ben observed. “But you’re right. I’m not really tall.”

“In the right suit,” Eugene assured him, “height makes no difference at all.”

Ben supposed that was true, not that he expected to ever have the type of suit Eugene was referring to. He owned one suit and even though he’d found it at a thrift store, it fit him well enough once he’d hemmed the legs. He’d never thought he’d ever need anything better.

Jae turned back to them and snapped his fingers at Eugene, breaking Ben out of his thoughts. “Start measuring this young man. It’s not going to do itself.”

“Wait, no—” Ben started to say but was halted in his tracks by the sight of Simon walking around the side of the screen.

“What do you think?” he asked.

Ben’s mouth fell open in a silent oh of appreciation. The suit was nothing at all like anything he’d ever seen before. More like a tux, he supposed, but the jacket was sapphire blue velvet paired with navy slacks. It was both unexpected and beautiful.
