Page 28 of Polar's Light

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“God, you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you for making me feel that way,” she murmured then turned her head and gave him a soft kiss on the jaw. “Now, let me get this shirt on so they can leave.”

He stepped back but kept his gaze glued to her as she pulled his shirt over her head. The hem dropped to the top of her knees, covering her. It was crazy. All his life, he’d never thought anything of stripping wherever he was, so he could shift. Never cared if a female shifter did the same right next to him. It was different with Helen. He didn’t want to share her beauty with anyone else. He wanted to be the only man to see her that way.

“Let’s go,” she urged as she led the way to the door.

“They’re clean,” Milo said as they re-entered the main room.

“What?” Fletch asked, having no clue what his brother was talking about.

Milo stared at Helen.

“The clothes. I heard you ask if there was a washer and dryer here. Everything I brought has been cleaned. And before you blow a gasket, big brother, I didn’t handpick anything. I gave a list to the one of the girls at the shop, and she picked out everything.”

That appeased Fletch until Milo continued.

“But I did re-bag everything after it was washed.”

The bastard gave him a grin before stepping neatly out of reach.

“I’m ready,” Helen said, ignoring them both though her cheeks were still that cute shade of red. “Where do you want me?”

Those words should never leave her mouth when she spoke to another man.

“I’ll have you stand by the couch and lift the shirt so I can get to your right thigh. Shot’s ready. I’ll clean your skin with some alcohol, inject the medication, then give you a bandage. Sound good?”

“Yes,” Helen mumbled then held out her hand. Fletch took it in his, squeezing their palms together.

While Helen leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes, he watched Jensen.

“Don’t like shots?” he asked her.

“It’s not that,” she gulped. “God knows, I’ve had enough of them over the years.”

“Fuck,” Jensen fumed as he finished, putting a bandage on Helen’s thigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.”

Fletch hadn’t, either. She’d been injected probably daily while she was in captivity. With a drug to suppress her animal. Hell, maybe with drugs to do other things. There was no telling what experiments had been going on. Yet, none of them had thought about that, and Helen hadn’t said a word. She’d leaned into him, clenched his hand a little, but kept her lips closed. Hell, was it any wonder he was in love with her? She was strong, fierce, and brave. She was a bigger warrior than any of the men around her.

Chapter Twelve

Helen sat on the couch while Fletch walked Jensen and Milo to the door. Everyone had gotten silent once she’d spoken about getting shots. She hadn’t meant it the way they’d obviously taken it. She’d merely meant she wasn’t afraid of needles. She knew this was different. A drug to pull out her bear not push it further under. In all honesty, she’d bend over and bare her ass to the whole room if it made her whole again. She might not want to, and Fletch sure as hell wouldn’t like it. Still, she’d do it.

“You okay?” Fletch asked as he finished locking up and stood in front of her.

“Mm-hmm,” she agreed. “Do you think it’ll work?”

Fletch stared at her for a long moment, and she knew he was trying to see if she was more upset than she was willing to share.

“Fletch?” she begged.

He nodded. “If Jensen is ready to try it, then he’s already worked out any issues he foresaw in the lab. He’s not one to jump in before he’s certain.”

She nodded, rubbing her hands up and down her thighs, careful to avoid where the shot had been given.

“Who were you interrogating earlier?” she asked.

Fletch sighed this time, rocking his head side to side before rolling his shoulders.
