Page 117 of Slash

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It was kind of nice to be a part of helping the old factory town start to come back to life.

The studio itself was a two-room space so that there could be two classes running simultaneously. I figured it might be nice to have a kid class and an adult class running at the same time so while the kids were busy, the moms and dads could fit in a workout as well. Both rooms were white and airy with mirrors and soft, padded floors in a black that I hadn’t been sure about, but decided it had been the best option.

There was a small desk to the left side and a seating area beside that for the parents who wanted to sit and observe classes.

The windows had been important to me.

Big, almost floor-to-ceiling windows to let in lots of light. My last studio, while great, had been kind of dark and almost a little intimidating for a women who happened in alone.

I wanted mine to be more welcoming.

But for the windows that lined where the classes would be, I had installed mirrored film, so no one could see inside.

The guys had just finished installing it before heading to the diner to grab some lunch.

Moving outside, I took a slow, deep breath, seeing my sign, and the windows where I only saw myself reflected.

Until it wasn’t just me standing there.

But it wasn’t Slash, one of the guys, the Murphys, or anyone that should have been there.

Still, somehow, his sudden reappearance didn’t startle me, didn’t make me gasp and spin.

I just stood there, looking at his reflection back and to the side of me.

He didn’t look different from the last time I’d seen him. It had only been a year and a half after all.

But there was a sort of detached appreciation for his good looks, the kind of feeling that didn’t come with any heat, any actual attraction.

“When did you get out?” I asked, looking at those familiar eyes that still warmed when he looked at me.

“Yesterday,” Czar said. “Got myself a private shower, some decent food, sleep not interrupted by talking or yelling or fucking buzzers, then came to find you.”

At that, I turned.


“Don’t worry, baby g—,” he started, then caught himself. “Nyx,” he said. “I’m not here to try to start anything up. I can see that I have missed my chance,” he said, his gaze going down to where my left hand was absentmindedly sitting on my belly. “I know you never really saw it in yourself, but you’re going to be a great mom,” he told me, reminding me that while it had been many years, and that time had changed me quite a bit, he had known me quite well at one time.

“Thank you,” I said, giving him a soft smile. “I know you’ve always wanted kids. I hope you find someone to give you some.”

“It’s on my list,” he agreed, nodding. “Is this your place?” he asked.

“It is. I’ve been working on it for a long time.”

His gaze went to the sign and some of the warmth in his eyes fell away, replaced by something almost a little sad.

He let out a sigh.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Nyx.”

“Hey, no,” I said, shaking my head. “I mean, it sucked. Like… whatever you are thinking, times it by about a hundred. But the attack had created a lot of fear and uncertainty in me that forced me to go to a self-defense class that I fell in love with. And finally figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life,” I told him.

“Still,” he said, shaking his head. “I fucking hate that you had to find your passion through something like that.”

“Hey, Czar, it’s not your fault. You were away. None of what happened had anything to do with you. Chet had gone rogue. Let the guilt go. You couldn’t do anything about it while you were locked up. I know that if you were out, you’d have handled it.”

“Yeah,” he said, nodding. “Gotta say, I’m a little surprised you’d still give me that much credit.”
