Page 17 of Hunted Bride

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“Oh. Shoot.”

Alexi leaned toward her and showed her the demure but sexy shots he had taken.

“Oh geez.”

“I think it looks great and will be wonderful to kick off the campaign.”

She looked at the shot that Alexi had paused on. “Minoru can’t see this. Ever.”

She was sitting, kneeling, looking over one shoulder, her neck arched, the kimono dipped low, and the claw marks were all that could be seen above the obi. The chain of her necklace was visible. Thankfully, Alexi hadn’t asked her to remove it.

Loki grinned. “I won’t send them to him. I promise.”

Alexi nodded and said, “So, what are you having for dinner?”

Loki shrugged. “Not a clue. Whatever the cook prepares.”

Polly checked her phone and sighed when she saw that her kitten had been removed from the site.

Loki frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I wanted to get a kitten for Minoru’s house. I already got the okay from his housekeeper.”

He snickered. “So?”

“The kitten is off the website.”

“Call them.”

She hesitated, and he flapped his hand. “Call them.”

She called and spoke to the organizers. She left her information and hung up. “He is being placed with a family, but they have other pets, so it might not be a permanent fit. If he comes back, they will call.”

Loki patted her on her shoulder, and she went in for a hug. She did not deal well with disappointment.

He patted her back and rubbed his head along hers. “It will be fine. Fate is working in your favour.”

Alexi chuckled. “I can give you a hug if it will help.”

“Oh, I am sure he would love that.” Loki chuckled. “Polly smelling like horny beta.”

Alexi grinned. “Niko doesn’t mind, nor does Alita.”

“Minoru would. Pretty sure.” Loki smoothed his hand down her back, and she dragged in a deep breath.

“Well, Loki, I will get you home. I am sure that your dinner awaits.”

He looked at her. “You are okay?”

“No, but I will get over it.” She smiled. “I just knew that kitten was for me the moment I saw him.”

“If he is meant for you, he’s meant for you. You already caught Minoru, so maybe pace yourself.”

She snorted. “I am just going to drive your sad ass home. You need to find a nice girl with a high tolerance for bullshit or someone who will keep you in order.”

He offered his arm. “Fine. Tell me what I need all the way home.”

Alexi laughed and carried his equipment out while they exited the area where they had done the shoot.
