Page 37 of Hunted Bride

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She frowned. She pointed at her chest and raised her brows.

“He knows about you.”

They sat there as the moon was bright and the air was still. He kissed her a few more times. When they got up to return to the house, the pendant was warm and glowing once again. She felt a little bit stronger, and the ache in her throat was easing.

There was a tea tray ready for her, and she sat and automatically prepared the matcha.

“That looks very pretty.”

She casually extended a middle finger while she worked.

He chuckled.

She handed him the bowl, and it looked tiny in his grip. She made herself a bowl and sipped it as well.

“You are good at making tea. You do need to slow it down, though, to make it more of a dance.”

She croaked. “Fancy.”

He smiled.

She finished her tea and piled everything neatly on the tea tray. She got up and went to brush her teeth. When she returned, the lights were dimmed, and the bedding was folded back. She got into bed, and Jiji scampered in with fish breath. She drank some more and lay down, dozing. When Minoru slid into bed next to her and pulled her in against him, tears pricked her eyes.

Adopted. She had met his parents over a lunch, and his mother had treated him like her baby boy. His father had spoken to him like an equal, and it seemed that they were a really solid family. Better than hers anyway.

Explaining her situation to his family was awkward, but once she explained that she had been the extra baby, they seemed to understand. Minoru had simply told them that her family was not invited. His mother was a little concerned, but she had switched to a detailed explanation that horrified them.

Polly was really hoping that they left it alone.

“You are tense, precious.”

“Just hoping that no one invites my family to the wedding if there still is a wedding.” Her voice was croaking less.

“There is a wedding.” He hugged her. “I don’t care if you have turned inside out and purple. You and I are going to get married, and we will work out any residual effects after that.”

She sighed because she needed to hear it. She would probably need to hear it again.

Polly sat through the exam. Her bloodwork was already whirring away in the lab somewhere. Minoru held her hand while the wand was removed, and more conductive gel was squirted on her belly.

The flat scanner pressed, there were clicks, and the printer whirred. The tech gave her a cautious look and left the room after she was cleaned up.

Polly whispered, “That isn’t a good thing.”

“I am sure it is fine, precious.”

There was a soft knock, and Minoru looked up. The doctor beckoned him outside, leaving Polly wondering what was going on. She cleaned up a bit more and got dressed before the door opened again.

She smoothed her jacket and grabbed her purse. The doctor reached for her, and she flinched back, thudding into the wall.

“Polly. You need to take some deep breaths.”

She was constantly whimpering and trying to get away from him. She was cornered, and he crouched low. “Okay, Polly. Minoru is going to get the car.”


“Because you are ovulating right now, and there are at least five eggs. If you do get pregnant, we will remove some of the embryos right away and freeze them. It is lucky that you came in today.”

She saw a grey aura around him, and when he reached out, it tried to touch her. She made a noise of protest and flinched back until she was debating punching through the wall between exam rooms.
