Page 39 of Hunted Bride

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She shook her head.

“Tell me more.”

“Nope.” She hid her face in Minoru’s arm.

“She’s a beta, right?”

Minoru said, “Yes.”

“Wait. Is she one ofthose?”

Minoru chuckled. “Yes. The Silar pack isn’t aware of it, but she isn’t for them. She would probably kill them if they succeeded in capturing her.”

Gerald returned, and building security of the med centre delivered one of the lab techs to the officers. Apparently, she had been paid two thousand dollars to make a call and check on the test results. She is a confessor.” He shook his head and gave the officer a look. “You have her statement?”

“Yes. It all matches the security camera footage.”

The other investigating officers got together, and Gerald spoke with them, and then he nodded and returned to them. “They have all the information and contact details. If they need anything, I will let you know.”

Minoru nodded. “Thanks, Gerry.”

Gerald met her gaze. “May you have a successful heat.”

She blinked at him, and she saw another familiar trait. She laughed and scooted into the car. Minoru shook his lawyer’s hand and sat in the back with her.


She curled up against Minoru’s side, and she felt herself nodding off. When she woke up, they were home, and he was carrying her inside. She exhaled slowly as the meeps of Jiji made her smile. She was safe.

Chapter Seven

She woke up in bed with Jiji curled up against her chest. The blood had been cleaned off her hands, and her claws were back to her normal short nails. She sat up and petted the kitten. Polly stretched and tickled his belly, then she got up, slid on slippers, and went in search of some coffee.

The kitchen was silent with the exception of the meowing adolescent kitten. Polly made some coffee and picked up Jiji, settling him on her shoulder.

“So, little dude. It almost feels like the place just has us.”

She reached for the cup, and a rumbling voice said, “You would be incorrect, bride.”

She set the cup down before it could take flight. She exhaled and picked it up again, sipping before she turned around.

“Oh. Wow. You are not the starter kit.” She was looking up at him, red skin and horns, but still his pretty face. She slurped her coffee.

He grinned. “Your voice is better.”

“It is.” She slurped the coffee again. It made an excellent prop to keep her from drooling. He didn’t usually go around without a shirt. Her fingers itched to touch him, and she sipped at the coffee again while she took in the taut muscles and wide shoulders.

“You aren’t wearing a shirt. That’s new.”

He grinned. “You are over dressed.”

She set her cup down, set Jiji down, and pulled the sleeves of her robe off to bare her to the waist. “Better?”

He stared at her, and his eyes went black. There was a low growl coming from his throat that made Jiji run for it.

She put her hands on her hips and walked up to him until there was only half an inch between them. The heat coming off him echoed the core of warmth in her torso.

He reached behind her and stroked the marks on her back. Polly gasped. She hadn’t had anyone touching the mark skin-to-skin since he was on her back in Japan. This feeling was different.
