Page 48 of A Curative Touch

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“He can be proud, but he is also thoughtful and cares deeply for his family.”

She looked at me shrewdly. “Is there an attachment between you and Mr. Darcy?”

“No! Of course not! Why would you think there is?”

“You are defending him, and you rushed to London to help him.” She shrugged one shoulder delicately. “It is not out of the realm of possibility that you are attracted to him. He isveryhandsome.”

I flushed. “He is my friend. Nothing more. You know the sort of man I wish to marry and you know why.” I huffed, trying not to let my irritation show. Why must everyone think there is something between me and Mr. Darcy?

“I am not teasing you, my dear, merely asking. It would be all right if you liked him, you know. There are many worse men to carry a tendre for.”

I looked to the ceiling and huffed. “Even if I did like him in that way, which I do not, he would never offer for me. He thinks himself too high for me.”

“Tosh. You are just the sort of lady a man like that would want.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are lively and he is dour. He is accustomed to being pursued and you are indifferent to him. He is awkward in company and you are socially adept. You are clever enough to stimulate his mind and pretty enough to kindle his desire.”

My face burned at that.

“You complement one another in your differences but are alike enough in the important details. Care for your families, a sense of duty. Need I go on?”

“Why are you trying to match me with Mr. Darcy?” I cried in exasperation.

“I am not!”

I looked to the side, hiding my irritation.

“Elizabeth, I want you to be happy. I understand why you wish to marry a physician, but I want you to open your mind to the possibility of other options. I want you to think of gentlemen in terms of how their character complements yours, and whether or not he is in a position to protect you.”

“I have been thinking in such terms! I have considered very carefully.”

She sighed. “I know you have considered the position of the man you wish to tie yourself to, but I have heard very little about his character.”

I swallowed. I could not truly argue with that. “I do not know exactly what I wish for in a man’s character. I know what I like about certain gentlemen of my acquaintance, but I do not know how well we will get on in twenty years’ time.”

“You are correct that we cannot know what will happen two decades from now, but you can look for a few traits that will serve you well regardless.”

“Like what?”

“An honorable man is rarely a mistake, though they can occasionally take the concept too far in one direction. Loyalty is also important. You, in particular, need a man who can stand by you. Another reason to consider a man well-placed in society. If you were to be caught in an odd situation, a man like Mr. Darcy would be able to extract you. A physician might not.”

I looked down and studied my plate, knowing she had a point. “I had not thought of that part as much,” I said.

“I know, child. That is why it is important to talk about these things. Two heads are better than one.” She smiled softly at me. “You are a very great prize, Elizabeth. Never doubt that. Any man would be fortunate to secure your affection.”

“Thank you, Aunt.”

The next day, I was looking through the closet to see what Mary had packed for me when I came across a blue walking gown I had never seen before. Next to that one was a pale coral-colored day dress.

“Lucy? Where did these gowns come from?”

“Mistress had them made up, miss.”

I did not want to react in front of Lucy and be the talk of the servants’ hall, so I said, “Very well. I shall wear the coral today.”

She helped me dress and put up my hair, and I made my way to the morning room.
