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“I don’t envy you your job, honey.” Pepper laughed. She’d started working with Rowan about two years before me, so she was able to commiserate about just how big a pain in the ass he was. Apparently, Pepper’s brother was one of his best friends, so when she moved to the city with plans to open up an upscale boutique, he had helped her raise her startup costs by working for him. Pepper’s boutique was up and running, but she still worked for Rowan on the side to supplement her income while the shop continued to make a name for itself.

“I also have his tux for the American Heart Association event. I need him to try it on so I can get the measurements straight.”

“Shit,” I hissed out with a cringe.


“I still haven’t told him I RSVP’d yes to that event.”

Pepper’s head fell back against the couch as she burst into laughter. “Oh, man! You’re so screwed. Hehatesthese stuffy black tie events. When he finds out you and Lauren went behind his back to get him there, he’s going to blow a fuse! Please, let me be there when you tell him. Pleasepleasepleaseplease!”

“You’re an asshole,” I groused.

“Aww, don’t be pouty,” she cooed, pulling me in for a sideways hug. “It’s gonna suck, but I have something you can look forward to after it’s done.”

“Oh, yeah? You have something that will make me feel better after getting fired?”

“Please,” Pepper harrumphed. “You know as well as I do that man isn’t getting rid of you. Besides, Lauren’s got your back. Way I see it, you two have him by the short hairs, he’s just not willing to admit it.”

“While you paint an intriguing picture, I’d prefer not to think about my boss’ short hairs, thank you very much.”

I didn’t add that I’d already seen everything there was to see. That was a can of worms I refused to open. Despite being besties with Harlow and my burgeoning friendship with Pepper, the fact that I had seen Rowan naked was something I was taking to my grave. Lord knew those two would analyze the hell out of that event.

“”Well, it just so happens that yours truly was invited to the grand opening of The Neon Room tonight. VIP access and everything.”

“No shit?” I squealed excitedly. “How the hell did you manage that? Everyone and their dog has been trying to get invited to the opening!”

“Yeah, well, I guess I’m one of the cool people,” she joked. “What do you say? You up for a night of dancing and debauchery at New York City’s most popular night club? Well, at least until another one opens in a month.”

“Hell yeah! I need a night out like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Yay!” she exclaimed as she gave a cute little bounce. “Invite your roommate. We’ll make it a girls’ night out.”

“Oh, she’d love that! It’s going to be so much fun.”

“See? I told you I’d have something for you to look forward to after Rowan’s done chewing your ass out.”

I let out a dejected sigh and flopped back on the couch. It didn’t matter how hot Rowan was, or how attracted to him I was beginning to feel. Some days my job sucked worse than others.

“So, what brings you by?” I asked as Griffin closed the door to my office behind him. “You know, other than just showing up to be a general pain in my ass.” Saving the most recent edits to my manuscript, I closed the lid on my laptop and took a seat across from my cousin as he made himself comfortable in one of the club chairs on the other side of my desk.

“Well, I was going to say I wanted to see your smiling face, but after seeing your hot-ass assistant, I’m gonna have to amend my answer.”

An unfamiliar feeling shot through my body. Red clouded my vision as blood began to thunder through my ears. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why I was having such a strong reaction; I just knew I was helpless to control it.

“Stay away from her,” I all but growled.

That asshole had the nerve to smile at me. “Oh, come on, help a man out. We’re blood, cuz. You could put in a good word for me.”

“There are no good words I can use to describe you. You’ll stick your dick in anything wet and willing.”

Griffin’s head fell back in laughter. “Hypocrite much? You’re a bigger whore than I am. And that’s really saying something.”

“Look,” I began, trying to take a safer route. “She’s my assistant. The last thing I need is for that shit to blow up in your face and fall back on me. You wanna bang half of New York, go for it. Just leave my employees out of it.”

The look on Griffin’s face told me everything I needed to know. He was buying my bullshit reasoning about as much as I was. “Oh, man. I knew it! You’re hot for her.” He laughed like it was the most hysterical thing he’d ever heard.

“She’s a good assistant and my… friend,” I added pathetically. “I’m not hot for her. I just don’t need the drama that would come with you two hooking up.”
