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Unless it came to Griffin.

I had no idea what happened between the two of them, but for the past two years, it seemed like they were determined to do battle every time they were in the same room. Griff got a sick thrill out of fucking with her, and Pepper seemed to despise the ground he walked on. What made that strange was the fact that they’d been friends before. No telling what happened, but that was a mess I was staying the hell out of.

“Not in my apartment, man,” I lamented. “I don’t want to deal with the bloodstains when she claws your eyes out.”

Griffin turned and headed for the door, grinning over his shoulder as he said, “I just want to say hi to an old friend. No harm in that.”

I didn’t even bother responding to that asinine comment as I followed him out of the office and down the hall to the living room. Just as we turned the corner, something Pepper said piqued my curiosity.

“See? I told you I’d have something for you to look forward to after Rowan’s done chewing your ass out.”

“Chewing your ass out for what?” I asked as Griff and I stepped into the room. Pepper spun around, her eyes full of laughter—that was, until they set sight on Griffin.

“Ugh, what areyoudoing here?” she snarled, her red-painted lips curling up in disgust.

“I’m here to see your cheerful, smiling face, of course,” Griffin needled.

“What am I going to chew your ass out about?” I asked again, trying to diffuse the situation between the two people currently taking their corners for a fight.

Navie pulled her attention from the two of them and turned to me, a look of uncertainty in those big, blue eyes I was quickly finding myself addicted to.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Those denim-colored orbs rolled back in her head as Navie let out a huff and grabbed a garment bag from the back of the couch. Walking to me, she slapped the thing against my chest.

“Here. You need to try this on so Pepper can get your measurements right.”

With a quirked brow, I reached for the zipper and pulled it down. My confusion instantly morphed into displeasure. “Why does Pepper need my measurements for a tux?”

“Because you’re going to the AHA gala at the end of the month,” she mumbled quickly. Unfortunately, I heard her clearly.

“Oh,come on! You know I hate those fucking things. A bunch of rich pricks flaunting their money just so they can look like they give a shit about something when they’re really only thinking about how they can fuck one of the staff without their spouses catching on.”

“Wow,” Navie said with a tilt of her lips. “You aren’t cynical at all, are you?”

“I’m not going.”

She planted her hands on her hips and glared at me. “You’re going, and that’s final. You’re going to be one of those rich pricks for a night. Look on the bright side—maybe you can bang a waitress.” She smiled full-on, clearly pleased with her joke.

“You justwantto be fired, don’t you?”

She shrugged casually. “You can’t fire me. Technically, I work for Lauren. And she likes me better than you.”

I was suddenly hit with a stroke of genius. “Pepper,” I spoke, not breaking the stare-off between Navie and myself.

“Yeah?” she asked over her laughter.

“I’m going to need you to find something suitable for Navie to wear to the event, since she’ll be coming along.”

“What? Are you out of your mind? I’m not going with you!”

“I’m assuming you RSVP’d plus one?” I asked, already knowing the answer to my question.

“Of course. Are you ever seen out in public without a bimbo on your arm?”

“Well…” an evil grin twisted my lips up, “…seeing as I’m not planning on looking for a date, and it’s a thousand-dollars-a-plate dinner, looks like you’ll be that bimbo for the night.”

Our standoff continued for several seconds before her shoulders fell in defeat. “Fine. But I don’t like you.”
