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Two seconds later, Rowan pushed his way in like he owned the place.

“Why’d you skip work?” he asked, crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest as he stared me down.

Don’t look at his muscles. Don’t look at his muscles. Damn it! Why does he have to be so sexy all the time!

I tried to mimic his stance, but seriously doubted I looked anywhere near as intimidating in my Cookie Monster sleep shorts and ratty tank top. It wasn’t until his eyes narrowed on my chest that I realized I wasn’t wearing a bra… under my verywhiteshirt!

Spinning around, I grabbed a zip-up hoodie from the back of the couch and threw it on before turning back to face him. “I didn’t skip work. I called in sick.”

“You’re not sick.”

“You don’t know that!”

“Yes, I do,” he replied, lowering his arms and taking a step closer. “You’re avoiding me. Which poses a serious problem, seeing as you’re my assistant and all.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. I was equal parts turned on, pissed off, and freaked out. “Y-yeah… w-well…” I stuttered. “Maybe I wouldn’t have to avoid you if you’d quit trying to have sex with me! It makes for a rather hostile work environment, you know.”

He stepped even closer and I had to back away to keep the necessary space between us. “Name one time I’ve ever hit on you at work.”

I wracked my brain for an example to prove my point and came up empty—which only made me more mad and flustered. “Ugh! Stop being so damn logical!”

A devilish smirk spread across his stupid face as he slid his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall casually. The bastard knew he had me on the ropes. “Then explain what the problem is because I’m not seeing the issue here.”

“The problem is you’re my boss!”

“And I’m willing to overlook that,” he answered nonchalantly.

I threw my arms out in exasperation. “Well, I’m not!”

“Bet I could convince you.” He grinned and I felt it all the way down in my lady parts. So not good.

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. “You can’t do serious, Rowan. And I can’t be like all your other women. I can’t do casual like that. It’s just not how I work. I don’t do one-night stands.”

He studied me for a moment as if I were a specimen under a microscope. “Are you a virgin?”

“What? No! Jesus! You think just because I’ve never had a one-night stand, I have to be a virgin?”

“It would make more sense.”

“See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about!” I shouted. “You and I are on two totally different wave lengths. Hell, we might as well be on different planets.” I whipped my hand in between us. “This can never,everhappen.”

His growing silence as he stood there, watching me, only made me even more anxious. “You really feel strongly about this, don’t you?” he finally asked.

I breathed a sigh of relief. He was finally understanding. “Yes. I really, really do.”

Rowan came forward, backing me up until my butt hit the back of the couch. If not for his hands snaking around my waist and holding tight, I could have toppled over. “You want me, Navie. I felt it. The way you pressed against me, the way you kissed me—”


“And you were with me every step of the way. You can’t deny that.”

I needed him to move. He was too close. I couldn’t think straight, couldn’t breathe correctly. Rowan’s presence snuffed out all rational thought, making me do and say things I’d soon regret. Reaching down to remove his hands from me, I sidestepped out of the way.

“Look,” I started, able to breathe again once there was space between us. “I can’t deny it, okay. Iamattracted to you.” A shit-eating grin spread across his face. “But…” I continued, and that smile disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared, “…it doesn’t matter. Attracted or not, this can’t happen. Please, Rowan, I’m asking you, just let this go. If you don’t, I’m going to have to quit, and I really don’t want to do that. I’mfinallystarting to like my job,” I ended on a joke, trying my best to defuse the tension in the room. Unfortunately, the joke fell flat.

With a defeated sigh, Rowan put his hands on his hips and dropped his head for several seconds before looking back up at me. “Okay,” he finally said after what felt like an eternity of silence.

