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“You love it.” She winked, and Lord help me, but I was pretty sure I did. “Anyway,” she continued, “I guess what I mean is that this date kind of feels like the next level, you know? At least to me. I got worried that I’d somehow screw this up.”

I was in awe of her honesty. Just when I thought I knew every aspect there was to this girl, she hit me with something else that had me even more spellbound. I had never experienced such a strong connection with another person before, where we seemed to connect on levels I hadn’t even known existed.

“I feel the same way,” I told her in a low voice, reaching for her and pulling her flush against my side. After her confession, there was no way I was getting through the rest of our date without touching her in some way. Feeling her became necessary.


“Yeah. Griffin gave me shit when I told him what I’d planned for tonight. Believe me, I’m never going to hear the end of this. I guess I was worried about screwing it up, too, so I might have overcompensated.”

“Just a little bit,” she teased. Unable to help myself, I leaned in for a taste of plump, berry-colored lips. Once I ended the kiss, she let out a dreamy sigh. “How about this? We’ll do everything you planned for this date, but we do it as ourselves. That means heckling and jokes, you occasionally saying something asshole-ish, and me relentlessly teasing you for your sudden and unexpected romantic streak.”

“Deal,” I grinned then added, “and asshole-ish isn’t a real word. Maybe if you read something other than your porn books, you could broaden your vocabulary.”

“There he is!” She laughed, giving me another kiss.

The evening turned out to be more perfect than I could have imagined. We were us, no false pretenses, no need to put on a show and be someone other than who we were. I couldn’t remember ever having been on a better date. Navie was the perfect companion… even when she kind of lost her shit upon discovering that the guys from the cable showImpractical Jokerswere filming in the park, insisting we do anything possible to get on TV.

By the end of the night, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I could seriously fall for her. And the knowledge of that didn’t scare me the way it normally would have. I found that I was actually excited about the prospect of a future with Navie.

It was unexpected.

Shewas unexpected.

My life was brighter just by having her in it.

“Oh, fuck,” Rowan groaned, his head thrown back against the pillow. “Yeah, just like that. Ride my cock, baby.”

Lifting up on my knees, I slammed back down onto him harder, each thrust pushing the air from my lungs as I drew closer and closer to that blissful edge. I clenched around him as I moved, loving each grunt that rumbled from his chest, knowing it was all because of me.

“Rowan,” I gasped, my pace stuttering as I became lost in the sensation of him filling me over and over. Already in tune with my body, Rowan took over for me, one hand on my hip, guiding me back and forth, up and down, his long fingers spread wide, thumb pressing on my clit in a way that sent blood rushing through my ears. His other hand slid up my stomach so he could toy with my nipple, squeezing with the perfect amount of pressure. I was catapulted head first into sheer ecstasy.

As soon as Rowan felt me come apart, his body shot up into sitting position. He moved his hand from my breast and tangled it in my loose hair, yanking my head back so he could take my mouth in a forceful kiss as he pumped his hips off the bed, driving into me and dragging out my orgasm until there was nothing left.

“Shit. Oh, Christ. I’m coming, baby. So fucking hard.” With his lips still mashed against mine, he grunted and groaned his release. His cock twitched inside me as he came for what seemed like an eternity. When he finished, we collapsed onto his bed in a sweaty, panting heap of entwined limbs.

“That was…” I heaved, still trying to catch my breath.

“Holy shit,” he exclaimed and I looked over to see his forearm thrown over his eyes. “I think I blacked out.”

I giggled as I rolled over, pulling the sheet from under me and wrapping it across my naked body so I could climb out of the bed, only to have Rowan’s muscled arm wrap around my waist and jerk me back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Pinning my back to the bed, he leaned over me, his side pressed into mine.

“I need coffee,” I replied. “You woke me up early for some nookie, so I need my fix.”

“Mmm,” he moaned, lowering himself for a kiss. “Don’t act like you didn’t love it.” He grinned against my mouth.

I grinned back. “Oh, I totally did. But I still need my java. I was thinking of hitting up The Bean. It’s early enough to beat the crowd. You want something?”

He pulled back and stared down at me, unspeaking. The grin was gone from his lips, but there was something in his eyes, something I had never seen before when he looked at me that made my heart beat just a bit faster.

When he spoke, it was low, soft, reverent. “You’re amazing. You know that, right?”

Oh, God.OhGodohGodohGod.I’d never had a man look at me the way he did just then. His eyes held a combination of appreciation and awe. It was the most stunning thing I’d ever seen. It was… exactly the way Carson looked at Cassidy. My heart lodged in my throat as tears burned the backs of my eyes. My gut reaction was to say something flippant, to try and make a joke. I bit my lip to keep that reaction at bay. I didn’t know what was happening between us in that moment, but it felt important and I didn’t want to do anything to ruin it.

“Thank you,” I whispered, reaching up to trace his bottom lip with my thumb.

He placed a kiss to the pad of my finger before saying, “I’m serious. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You just…”
