Page 121 of Alien Storm

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That’s not going to happen... Right?

I flattened my lips and tried to dispel my sudden unease. We were nearing Thaleo’s mountain, now, and there was no time to turn back.

But we never made it to his mountain.

A catastrophic boom rolled through the air. Togo flinched, his flight pattern thrown off. Errok’s arm hardened like a stone shield around me.

“What was that?” I gasped, jerking my head around. I half-expected to see plumes of smoke from some eruption or explosion nearby. But I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Just bright sky, clear air, and the mountains and valleys below.

But wait...

There was something in the distance. A man on a braxilk, diving desperately downward.

“Something’s wrong,” I said, wriggling in Errok’s hard grip. “We need to go see what happened!”

“I know what happened,” Errok said grimly. His sight stars combed the place the braxilk had just descended.

“What then?!”

His sight stars swung to me.



Errok got Togo focused once more, and we took off, heading for the sound we’d heard. We knew we’d reached it when we saw a lone man clawing at a huge incline of broken rock and fallen boulders.

It was Gahn Thaleo.

Errok urged Togo into a dive so sharp it took my breath away. It also made Thaleo’s braxilk, who was nearby, shriek aggressively. Thaleo’s mismatched sight stars flashed to us. His hard face twitched slightly before he turned back to his work. He was standing near the top of the huge pile of rocks and boulders, never stopping in his movements.

Not even when Errok leaped off Togo’s back, drawing a huge blade.


“Errok, stop!” I screamed, sliding off Togo’s back to follow him. I knew that I’d promised he wouldn’t have to see Thaleo and that promise had been broken, but that was still no excuse to use this moment to exact some bloody revenge.

Heart pounding, chest burning, I sprinted after Errok. But his long, strong legs and clawed, kangaroo-like feet helped him leap up the steep rocky incline with ease while I’d barely managed to climb up the first boulder.

“If you’ve come to try to kill me, Gahn Errok, I ask that you wait until I’ve finished here. The rockslide blocked access to this cave. Some of my people were foraging inside.”

Oh my God.

They were trapped. And not only that, but with the storm coming, time was ticking to get them out.

But that didn’t seem to matter to Errok. He growled as he launched up the final incline of rock. I was about to watch him murder Thaleo right in front of my eyes.

“No, Errok.No!”

Errok raised his blade.

Thaleo turned just in time.

Just in time to see Errok shove his blade between two huge rocks. Errok leaned heavily on the handle of his blade, his muscles bulging with strain. I stared, not quite sure what was happening for a long moment, as one of the boulders gave way under the might of his arms and rolled down to the ground.

He’s helping.

Relief poured through me, followed by pride. Pride for this man who, despite his arrogance, his territorial rage, his long-held hatred for Thaleo, was now putting all of that aside. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever found him so attractive as I did in that moment – head down, working side by side with his enemy to save innocent people.

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