Page 126 of Alien Storm

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But she was already lowering the weapon, placing the bow and the arrow into my outstretched claws.

“You are mine, Errok. And I’d prefer to keep the arrows out of you for a while.”

I shoved my bow and arrow back at Lerokan, my gaze fixed on my mate. I couldn’t stop myself from capturing her mouth again, this kiss harder, ravaging. She moaned into the embrace as I bent her back, cradling her in my arms.

I nearly forgot all the others were there until someone whistled loudly. The sound shocked me – it was as loud and as piercing as any hunter’s whistle, recalling a braxilk. But I knew no man would dare interrupt my Gahnala-Kai with such a noise.

A new woman. Of course.

Zuh-Tephanie laughed in my arms, her breath stuttering against my mouth until I finally eased her upright once more.

“So, now what?” she asked me, cheeks a deep pink.

“There will be a feast, of course,” I told her. “But there’s one more thing I want to show you first.”

Followed by the strange sound of the new women slapping their hands together, and the cries from my warriors, I pulled my mate, my beloved Gahnala, out of the hall.

It didn’t take too long to reach our destination.

“The roosting cave?” Zuh-Tephanie asked, looking confused as we stepped into the large cave dominated by the braxilk. “I thought we were going to...”

My loins heated as her words sunk in.

“Oh, we will do that, too. I’ll never make it through the feast like this. I’ll be staring at your mouth every bite you take, wishing it were upon my cock.”

Her clear laughter calmed me like water running over my skin.

“But I do have something I want to show you,” I said gruffly, trying to get my lusty mate, and myself, back on track. “Here.” Her hand still in mine, I led her up a stone incline along one wall. The top of this incline ended in a shelf with a large nest. The nest belonged to Togo, who swooped through the open air nearby, and his mate, Kalda. Even though Kalda was a well-trained creature, I did not let my mate get too close. Because Kalda was protecting something.

“That nest there has an egg. It will hatch soon,” I said to Zuh-Tephanie. Her brows rose, and she peered towards the nest trying to get a better look.

“That feather, there-”

I skimmed a claw between Zuh-Tephanie’s breasts.

“-belonged to Togo’s father, Balto. He was my father’s mount, and the braxilk I first learned to fly on. His son, Togo, has been my mount since he was large enough to ride. And now, Togo’s offspring, the one in the egg Kalda protects in this nest, will be yours. Based on the size of the egg, I think it likely she will be female.”

Zuh-Tephanie tensed, a flicker through her muscles, then went entirely still. Above us, the sky was a dark, star-studded hide, the sun long gone. The storm was gone, too, at least from my mountains.

“You really can be quite generous when you want to be,” she said quietly.

“Of course, I can be,” I said. “Despite what you may think, I do listen. I remember what you told me, that first night together in Thaleo’s mountain when I asked you what you wanted in a male. You asked for kindness. Generosity. And to feel-”


Her word shimmered in the air. I could practically see it, trace the outline of the sound. When she didn’t say anything else, I continued telling her about the gift.

“You will help raise and train her. She will be your mount and yours alone. Well...” My chest constricted. I thumped it, then cleared my throat for good measure. “Until our own cubs should learn to ride, that is.”

Tears, sparkling like dew, rolled down her cheeks. The unique human expression of sorrow was disconcertingly displayed alongside a wide, breathtaking smile.

“Are you happy, Gahnala?” I asked. More like begged. I needed her to be happy. With this gift.

With me.

“Yes,” she whispered. She lifted her hands to swipe at her cheeks, but I beat her to it. I needed to taste that happiness for myself. Let it coat my tongues and get inside me.

She gasped, her hands frozen in the air as I cupped her jaw and licked the moisture from her smooth skin. Cursed skies, I loved the way she tasted in every single place. I couldn’t get enough of these secret slips of salt. The tang of her tears on her beautiful face...

And between her legs.

Cock hard, body hard, heart aching and open and only for her, I fell to my knees, ready to worship her with my hands, my tongues. To love her until every one of her tears was pleasure-slicked, shed because I’d brought her to the brink. Because I’d brought her to whereI was. Where I’d lived for so long. Since the moment I first saw her face.

Knowing she was with me now, knowing it was safe, I threw myself over the edge, freefalling into the depths of the clear dark sky.

The depths of her.

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