Page 45 of Alien Storm

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“I agree,” came Gahn Thaleo’s icy reply.

My nostrils flared, my knuckles cracking as I gripped my weapons harder.

He heaps insult upon insult.

I would not suffer through this insolence. Not from him. Not from anyone.

Anyone but her.

“Gahn Thaleo,” I said, fighting to keep my voice steady through my rage, “you have insulted me at every turn. You hoard my mate and her friends in your mountain. I will not stand for this.”

Gahn Thaleo’s eyes narrowed as his men grew tenser, ready to send their arrows right through me the moment I made the wrong move.

I made no move with my body.

But one with words.

And it was a move far deadlier than the slash of my blade or the twang of an arrow.

“Gahn Thaleo,” I said, my words bouncing off the stone peaks and raining down upon us over and over again. “I challenge you to a taklok.”

Gahn Thaleo rarely showed expressions of surprise on his face. Whether this was because he’d schooled his face into an impenetrable mask, or because he was so viciously clever that little surprised him, I was not sure. I saw no surprise now, either, at my words.

He knew I’d come for her and challenge him.

“Gahn Errok,” he replied, his voice smooth and dark. “I accept.”

“Good,” I snarled. I tossed my blades down and ripped my bow over my head. In an instant, I’d nocked my first arrow, its deadly point vibrating with the intention to bury itself deep in Thaleo’s flesh.

Gahn Thaleo’s mouth twitched. The tiniest hint of a smile tugged at his lips. He slipped his own bow off of his chest. He, too, nocked an arrow, his sight stars locked on my face, his weapon aimed at my chest.

“Let us begin,” he roared.

I let my arrow fly.


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